I've gotten my uni time table and now I'm annoyed at the fact with the 3 classes I have that they are spread out over 4 days rather then 3. will have to change that coz I definately can't afford to make more trips into the city as 3 trips was pushing my budget far enough as it is. I still need to decide if I'm going to be dropping down to 2 subjects or staying at 3. To many damn issues to think about. it would be good if I could stay at 3 coz it means I will finish my course a lot sooner. but unfortunately it comes down to whether I can afford to keep going to the 3 classes I have when my payments are dropped :S
as for my friend in hospital they haven't operated on her or anything yet, they keep on saying different things, so she's getting really annoyed about it all. even since she was told that she may end up in a wheel chair if things go wrong. I think really slowly after being in the hospital for almost 2 weeks now is starting to wear her out and this whole thing is really beggining to hit home for her.
as for my friend in hospital they haven't operated on her or anything yet, they keep on saying different things, so she's getting really annoyed about it all. even since she was told that she may end up in a wheel chair if things go wrong. I think really slowly after being in the hospital for almost 2 weeks now is starting to wear her out and this whole thing is really beggining to hit home for her.