so, i had the most fucked up dream last started off kinda trippy cool, then turned horrible... The super weird part though was (aside from the rest of the weird shit) that B_citi and Ryotgirl were in it.. yea...i know...It started out i was running through what looked to be a mountainous canyon, with my daughter, trying to escape zombies (no laughing) and i run into a pretty banged up b-citi, saying all her friends were dead and zombies now, i told her my friends and family were too, so then more zombies show up, and we're hoofing it up this wind-y mountain cliff road and all these horrible dead things are catching up to us, and the minute we are almost cuaght and panicking, because we can't get away, ryotgirl comes burning doun the road in a jacked up red jeep, skids sideways to a stop in front of us, and all cool/hero like says "yo, get in",,, and we speed away. then as we're plowing through zombies and going through tunnels, the devil/zombie king/demon lord (i don't know what the fukk he was) appears befor us and says to me " i have a proposition for you, i will stop all the dead and save the human race, but you have to give me the life of your child!" and i screamed NO and b_citi says "no take me instead" but he says no, and rips my daughter from meand tears her in two pieces.. and i start freaking and screaming in my dream, and then i woke up crying in a cold sweat...... and she was sound a sleep beside me.. oh my god it was soooo horrible...why do we get fukked up dreams sometimes..i hate it when you're trapped in a nightmare that's so real...geh..makes me afraid to go to bed tonight... sigh at least it was a dream...fekk (p.s. thanx girls for all your cameo's in my least that part was cool.....
I know... that little stuffed animal just stole my heart! I bought one online today... hee hee...
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