I wonder sometimes if i'm weird... I always thought that getting little gifts for my guy here and there would be nice...make him feel good, but apparently i was wrong... it all started with valentines day when i got nothing from him (now remember, he isn't just my "boyfriend, we're married practically, only without a little piece of paper saying we are) I dunno, i wasn't too upset, cause he had told me he was broke, just kinda sad that he didn't even get me a card or something ($2) now that easter is coming up, i said to him , half jokingly, "you'd better get me something for easter to make up for valentines" and he was all confused and grumpy-ish about it... "i told you i was broke" he says.....and i said to him, i don't need anything huge, just even a card would be nice, sao i know you're thinking of me, and want to make me feel special. but apparently he doesn't get it,. he told me he doesn't like it wheni get him little gifts cause it makes him feel like a jerk for not getting me anything..??? i dunno... but i guess if he wan't me to stop getting him things i will then...all the more money for my daughter and i... and here i thought i was making him feel good....go figure....

By the way... you are not weird!!! I <3 Aniko!!!
See, my boyfriend and I are both in debt, he $6,000 and me $3000... not a lot but we're not paying it off slowly, we're paying it off in HUGE chunks and watching it go down FAST... and, like, we have spare change here and there... I have a little more than him yuss, but he still manages to find a couple bucks here and there. Valentines day was coming up and we mutually decided that we would just go out for sushi together, which we did... and, like, at work, I was listening to my co-workers and about how they just spent like 200 bucks on roses to get delivered to their girlfriends, and chocolates and huge teddy bears, and they're just GOING OFF... and I'm like, it's not a big deal... I'm getting a cute card for Juan with some cheap lotto tickets inside... you know, just to say happy vday hun, i love ya... but I KNEW, KNNNEEEWWW that Juan wouldn't even have the slightest clue or idea to even write me a NOTE (0$!!!) to say the same thing. You know, even if he truley was broke, he can still express himself in writing, or make me a card, or something... it's not about what I get out of the holiday materialistically, but what I get out of the holiday emotionally... I wished so much that he would just go buy me like a cheap single rose or even a nice daisy or tulip or something with one of those complimentary cards that come with it... just something pretty and cute to let me know I'm special to him. When I mentioned to Juan that I got him a card, though, he like, freaked out. "IM BROKE, I CANT GET YOU ANYTHING!!!!!!".......and then like 2 seconds later, he's like, "brb, I'm gunna go grab a gatorade"... I stopped him, and I said, hey, here's an idea, go get me a valentines day card and write something nice insideof it... and he sighed like it was a big deal, but a little bit like he was embarassed as well, and he did buy me a card and we exchanged them at sushi, even though mine had cheap lotto tickets inside, I bought one for him and one for me.
I dunno. I know FOR SURE he won't get me anything for easter either because he just doesn't think of stuff like that. Birthdays and Christmas, for sure, but not easter and ESPECIALLY not any random day. *sigh*
Okay, that was kind of long. Later babes