hail droogs! ( small type used only for minions..)
I read evan hunter's The blackboard Junglethat got turned into the fifties classic movie. I'm trying to get the damn GnR song out of my mind , s
** like that Jingle, makes me cringe, someone
turn up the Comets yeah, and take a look at some of these retro goths, let's RIP it UP!
Read in a day, it so reminded me of being at school, days only when enjoyment came from reading by bunking off, like Kess
Nothing more complicated in this novel, than the 'four letter word' in Hispanic or Italian,or Irish, or----------and maybe the mention of the Stanford Binet test, and the drop of the name Kinsey (bought that on DVD a few weeks back) has something to do with its appeal today. I'm pondering why Sidney Poitier got the role as Rick (daddy-oh) Dadier; so glad he didn't end up a car mechanic, this was his big startup. Oh! the fiction of conceiving schooling as just one day of the week now passed in reading a book; hand me that knife for my appendix!!!
Got the hang of being in London again, just, after all that clean air in Somerset; I've had a drag-full, cycling into town, a one hour trip each way. Guess I'm lucky to have been in Montmatre, when the bombs went off, (...I thought I was in heaven... ) though I did get into Waterloo that afternoon, on time...
I have an interview for job on Thursday, that's clearly politically correct AND career orientated, I really want it, and shall have to rely on all you student types for this one: with the Student's Union. Any tips on landing this one are most appreciated. I'll be infront of a panel made up of the Vice President Education, Membership Services Manager and someone whose post I'll be taking.
Being down south of the River, in one of the nicest places by the Thames is now where i hope to catch up on this year, this holds my future, so like the 'Sabbatical Officers' thence, my studying is now on meltdown.
I dropped into Regents Park for Kelly's picnic, happy birthday today
, hope you're reading this!! Great to meet your goth friends, especially 'Nails' again, what a character; I'm pleased for him, and his new girlfriend.
Thanks Annalee for the reminder about the film the 'Russian Ark' which since the release, I forgot all about about, good on you, I enjoyed that tour de farce in the art museum - I picked it up in my own local library! Totally fell asleep however, at the weekend trying to watch it. Those subtitles are especially hard to read in the film since it has a narrator speaking atop the character's and in listening there is little opportunity to see through the narrator's eyes at the same time as see what he sees. I think there should have been a split subtitle box, such a strain on the eyes to have to work so hard with such quick dialogue, by the end the ballroom is a release, just because there's nothing left to read, and like the paintings, comments don't appear by the artists signature do they now.
I stuck it all out last night although the ending, in all that finery just OTT, the dancing looked fun sure- for the doing, man that Mazurka is funny skip skip and a rebop; the beginning was great, Dostoyevskian, and I expected something more Kafkesk in our view through the diplomat's escort; but it did draw upon the revolution and the turn of the last century with Perystroyka. perhaps this is typically Rutskian, too satirical would leave no climax. How very circular is the Mazurka. Having said that, there ARE better things to do one one's Chaise Longue to reach that point, and there are still no famous Russian psychologists
Take a boogie an' make it sweet!
I read evan hunter's The blackboard Junglethat got turned into the fifties classic movie. I'm trying to get the damn GnR song out of my mind , s

Read in a day, it so reminded me of being at school, days only when enjoyment came from reading by bunking off, like Kess

Got the hang of being in London again, just, after all that clean air in Somerset; I've had a drag-full, cycling into town, a one hour trip each way. Guess I'm lucky to have been in Montmatre, when the bombs went off, (...I thought I was in heaven... ) though I did get into Waterloo that afternoon, on time...
I have an interview for job on Thursday, that's clearly politically correct AND career orientated, I really want it, and shall have to rely on all you student types for this one: with the Student's Union. Any tips on landing this one are most appreciated. I'll be infront of a panel made up of the Vice President Education, Membership Services Manager and someone whose post I'll be taking.
Being down south of the River, in one of the nicest places by the Thames is now where i hope to catch up on this year, this holds my future, so like the 'Sabbatical Officers' thence, my studying is now on meltdown.
I dropped into Regents Park for Kelly's picnic, happy birthday today

Thanks Annalee for the reminder about the film the 'Russian Ark' which since the release, I forgot all about about, good on you, I enjoyed that tour de farce in the art museum - I picked it up in my own local library! Totally fell asleep however, at the weekend trying to watch it. Those subtitles are especially hard to read in the film since it has a narrator speaking atop the character's and in listening there is little opportunity to see through the narrator's eyes at the same time as see what he sees. I think there should have been a split subtitle box, such a strain on the eyes to have to work so hard with such quick dialogue, by the end the ballroom is a release, just because there's nothing left to read, and like the paintings, comments don't appear by the artists signature do they now.
I stuck it all out last night although the ending, in all that finery just OTT, the dancing looked fun sure- for the doing, man that Mazurka is funny skip skip and a rebop; the beginning was great, Dostoyevskian, and I expected something more Kafkesk in our view through the diplomat's escort; but it did draw upon the revolution and the turn of the last century with Perystroyka. perhaps this is typically Rutskian, too satirical would leave no climax. How very circular is the Mazurka. Having said that, there ARE better things to do one one's Chaise Longue to reach that point, and there are still no famous Russian psychologists

Take a boogie an' make it sweet!

Give me some more info on this advisor roleDo they console students on what classes they need to take toward their specific degree? Or is it more of a general social working position, where you would check up on the student and aid them with any adjustment problems they may have?