I was taken to a golden beach, a well known smugglers' coastline, where we stood at gun point in front of drugs dealers, loading Kilos of cocaine onto inflatables which would have taken us out to a bigger ship for completion of the journey.
The waves were crashing the shoreline in high winds and with intermittent rain, the day passed slowly, with spells of sunshine. These men were all of Latin American (Argentinian) and of Portugese origin; I blended in with them, like the illegal immigrant they wanted me to portray, shoved in the back of a van. A petite Portugese maiden made (to look) pregnant stood also in the knee deep water. She had been dressed in a thin frock, also as one of the illegals.
I was an extra in a short film, it was particularly interesting to see how a movie's made, and also be in the company of new talent. Their parents even made lunch and sat with us viewing their options, enjoying time on the beach, and a whole second day was spent by me, enjoyably getting acquainted with and throwing out a line to the slightly older Latin types who were amateur actors, young and ambitious. A Christmas party to look forward to, and more extra work...maybe. But I need to bring about better food, they all eat too much junk.
guns?who needs them?
I'm disappointed though, since i put too much weight on the gym machines and have brought back an old injury, added to the of days with my diet, now i'll have just to swim until i'm better.
I hope you get over your gym injury soon.