In this current trend for Misstreses and Doms, I find myself drawn to my Housekeeping job at NeoGothRectory not that I need train the maids, but that live-in basis of B+B life near the seaside is having its lovely consequences with fresh volunteer visitors regulalry, and currently am doing all this on a grace and favour basis, dedicated this next week or two to a beautifull, tall red haired young lady from Germany! (Now in thebed-room next me, I hope to enjoy her company again by my fireplace tonight)
Otherwise I'm learning a great deal about free education and and the ideals of a new hero of educational psychology I have discovered since being here.
Since the nearest i got to going to an all boyschool grammer Colditz 'nough said- I am in the throws of picking of the very cream NfP jobs I can find, so be warned anyone not sympathic to animals grrrrrrrr.
We have the luxury here of a permaculture garden-er, who'll be running this show now the hippy community has departed and and we bring the place back to being a place for that radical forest school come home education, albeit Steiner or whatever to come.
My day off, and the local kink scene is blossoming too
Otherwise I'm learning a great deal about free education and and the ideals of a new hero of educational psychology I have discovered since being here.
Since the nearest i got to going to an all boyschool grammer Colditz 'nough said- I am in the throws of picking of the very cream NfP jobs I can find, so be warned anyone not sympathic to animals grrrrrrrr.
We have the luxury here of a permaculture garden-er, who'll be running this show now the hippy community has departed and and we bring the place back to being a place for that radical forest school come home education, albeit Steiner or whatever to come.
My day off, and the local kink scene is blossoming too
how are ya doing?