Nice event this, Ill not miss it, too bad; as I'm on my way now on the sacred first trip in my life.
Bleedin' BA strike means I have to go a day earlier than planned- oh what
Joy! An extra day then, guess that's what puts the Nu in Deli as I had always hoped as lad.
And all that sauna building I've done

Glastonbury ashram put on a beautiful event on Saturday night, UNITY. After those weeks, months years perhaps, I think I'm on the right path.
Here's to one hellish long life journey, I may just get through, to balancing my heart and soul , and mind in
Sand: that little Miss Tree: and I only put our -hands together in unfinished business- oh and a toe rub [no more than that xexxxxex] to help the raw sweet industry on its way (would you know it - a packofthree is just so big) Good end to the old yaar.
Dear fiends, you probably git the jest of it. Not so long now!

It's good bye then