Okay, maybe I am just being pedantic but it seems to me like a lot of the models on SG are becoming less and less aligned with the ethos that SG started out with, and as such the things that made this bloody site interesting in the first place. I mean don't get me wrong, most if not all of the girl are gorgeous, but it seems some of them think a nose ring and some black nail varnish (and in some cases not even that much) are enough to make them "something a bit different." I was going to say "alternative" then but the truth is the alternative isn't that alternative any more. Its become cool to be weird so there's nothing that unusual about girls with piercings and tattoos anymore, just something different. What really chaps my ass is if you read some of these girls profiles they're just your a-typical preppy bints wearing a bit more make-up and complaining because Daddy won't buy them a car, but with more eyeliner. I'm just worried this place is gonna start to lose the things that made it interesting if they start letting any old cheerleader on the front page.
I should bloody well hope not. The skinny thing shouldn't be an issue, and I think SG are aware that people feel that way and worry about it. Now I think they do post sets with PSWs in, but I think this is more about giving the illusion that they are not sizist than that being the reality. I'm not going to say which sets I mean as it implies the models only got on the front page for that reason and not that they deserve to be there, which is bollox, but you see what I am saying right?
You do notice the change in their look but I've yet to go to read their profile. Slippery slope my friend