So, for the first time that I can recall I have actually started thinking about my work thematically, and building a story around the themes and concepts that I want to express, rather than shoe-horning said themes and concepts into whatever story I happen to be writing at the time. It's weird for me to approach the writing this way as before the story has always come first; I have to admit so far I like this approach. The story that I am now working on as a result feels like it actually has some weight to it and that old problem I used to face of feeling my work was not good enough is fading as I actually have something worth reading this time, I think. I am writing a short piece based on the greater mythology of this work, which I will post on here when it is complete so people can tell me what they think and I can get some feedback. Anyone else have similar issues with their own writing?
good luck on your writings..I write lyrics for songs, not quite the same