Are journals even real? I mean with one like this it is not exactly as if you are writing to the future you. The odds are that, because of the "numbers" involved, nobody will read mine, but a large number of people have the potentiality to access this journal. I guess that means I go with the worthwhile yet sparsely detailed version of a journal. I guess it should still be funny because after all, what if I am the next Bridgette Jones.
Cigarettes Smoked: 14
Weight: 187
Drinks Drank: 9 (4 Laphroaigs and 5 Guinness)
New College Graduates that Puked Tonight: 3
Amount of Clothing Lost: None
Intelligent Conversations Had: 1 15-minute exchange
Cigarettes Smoked: 14
Weight: 187
Drinks Drank: 9 (4 Laphroaigs and 5 Guinness)
New College Graduates that Puked Tonight: 3
Amount of Clothing Lost: None
Intelligent Conversations Had: 1 15-minute exchange