Bleddy hell! I'm finally back! Such a manic few weeks it's unreal. It's weird how guilty I've felt for not blogging on here, having never actually been a blogger before. Odd stuff.
The move went well. Which is surprising given that I had a hangover and Mister had to piss off before the van had even arrived to go to work. This is our second night and we've still not unpacked two thirds of our stuff but at least it,s all here. Unfortunately it's the weekend and I'm more interested in drinking beer and eating my Mum's sunday roast. We'll get there though.
So nice to have a space that's just me and Mister. Even though it's at my Mum's, the flat is self contained so it's like our own little place, temporariliy at least.
In other news, the tattooist I work for on Sunday's thinks she's broken her finger... on her tattooing hand... bugger :/ If I was a tattooist, I'd have that shit insured!
Have a great week people, I'll try and catch up with you soon!
Much love xxx
The move went well. Which is surprising given that I had a hangover and Mister had to piss off before the van had even arrived to go to work. This is our second night and we've still not unpacked two thirds of our stuff but at least it,s all here. Unfortunately it's the weekend and I'm more interested in drinking beer and eating my Mum's sunday roast. We'll get there though.
So nice to have a space that's just me and Mister. Even though it's at my Mum's, the flat is self contained so it's like our own little place, temporariliy at least.
In other news, the tattooist I work for on Sunday's thinks she's broken her finger... on her tattooing hand... bugger :/ If I was a tattooist, I'd have that shit insured!
Have a great week people, I'll try and catch up with you soon!
Much love xxx
We need to get on this photoshoot thing soon m'dear! Would be good to see you. Any ideas? 

Hope you settle in okay