Being a bit of a convert to The Celestine Prophecy (a book made interesting by the fact that, given its subject matter, no one ever seems to buy it but always obtain a copy from a friend) I have noticed a strange pattern emerging in my life and am intrigued to find the message behind it. I was given a copy by a friend who thought I would benefit from it, and was so drawn to its concepts on coincedences and the meaning to them. I'm one of those people who seems to spend my life saying 'whoa, that's so weird' and I was instantly drawn to the concept that each one happens to tell you something that you need to know. Certainly, for me, few of the day to day coincedences I come across have no effect on my life in general.
The biggest coincedence in my life happened shortly after my 24th birthday and had a profoundly life changing effect. I had decided to move from the flat where I was living on my own into a new flat with a friend. This, in itself, seemed rather random as it was one of those friendships where you weren't sure if it'd be awkward or not, but something told me I should go for it. So I did. A few weeks after moving in with him I was discussing the housework share with my Mum and generally lamenting over the fact that his version of 'clean' was nothing like mine. I should add here that my Mum and my biological father split up before she found out she was pregnant with me (product of a brief fling, I am!) and, after much toing and froing, they had parted ways and he didn't meet me. I had thought about him sporadically over the years, but in curiousity more than anything else. By the time I was sat having this chat about chores with my Mum, I probably hadn't given him a passing thought for a good three years or more. Back to the story! This chat led Mum to start talking about when she was seeing said biological father, he had lived in a shared house with another chap and a girl and it had always fallen onto the girl to do the cleaning. She had eventually got sick of it and the house had been a complete pit. Obviously this conversation brought him back into my consciousness. A few days later, I was at Mum's (again - she feeds me!), net surfing on her computer when I decided to check my Friends Reunited account. I hadn't been on the site for about 2 years and, unsurprisingly, had no messages. But while I was on there I absentmindedly typed his name into the search. A list of around a hundred matches came up and I clicked on the first one. There wasn't much information on the profile, but there was a timeline. You can make them on there to list where you worked, lived and during what periods. This particular timeline was pretty scarce, with only about 2 jobs listed, a good ten years apart. Funnily enough though, one of the periods covered was 84-86... I was born in 85. My Mum looked at the company listed and confirmed that, yes indeed, that is where he had worked during their fling. So far, so spooky. I contacted him and after a tentative few weeks we began talking on a regular basis (I'm skimming over the drama this caused for my emotions!). It transpired that the day after he got my initial message, he'd had an important job interview after being made redundant from his previous company shortly before. He was highly stressed out about it and not getting the job wasn't an option. Then my message came along and suddenly his employment situation didn't seem all that important. He breezed into the interview, a smile on his face thanks to a long lost daughter appearing out of the woodwork and anything but sales techniques on his mind, and got the job. The interviewer had been impressed by his confident attitude in the face of his adversity. So there you go, htings really do happen for a reason!
Lately, I've noticed that people I know only vaguely keep coming into my shop. Not to buy anything but to talk to me about quite important issues in their lives. And generally ones that no one else knows about or that are secret. But, the weird thing is, they keep starting stories half way through, as though I'm already familiar with the person or situation that they're talking about. And the story always seems to culminate in 'and I just can't sleep'. I know it doesn't sound particularly remarkable but there's a pattern there and I'm desperate to find the meaning behind it. Am I just weirdly approachable to the sleep deprived? Do I have some deeply hidden wisdom I should be imparting to help them? Or am I just reading waaay to much into it? Or is there a message in there for me? I don't know, I'm baffled. But I will continue to try and find the meaning in it, because it doesn't seem to be showing nay signs of stopping!
Deep huh?
The biggest coincedence in my life happened shortly after my 24th birthday and had a profoundly life changing effect. I had decided to move from the flat where I was living on my own into a new flat with a friend. This, in itself, seemed rather random as it was one of those friendships where you weren't sure if it'd be awkward or not, but something told me I should go for it. So I did. A few weeks after moving in with him I was discussing the housework share with my Mum and generally lamenting over the fact that his version of 'clean' was nothing like mine. I should add here that my Mum and my biological father split up before she found out she was pregnant with me (product of a brief fling, I am!) and, after much toing and froing, they had parted ways and he didn't meet me. I had thought about him sporadically over the years, but in curiousity more than anything else. By the time I was sat having this chat about chores with my Mum, I probably hadn't given him a passing thought for a good three years or more. Back to the story! This chat led Mum to start talking about when she was seeing said biological father, he had lived in a shared house with another chap and a girl and it had always fallen onto the girl to do the cleaning. She had eventually got sick of it and the house had been a complete pit. Obviously this conversation brought him back into my consciousness. A few days later, I was at Mum's (again - she feeds me!), net surfing on her computer when I decided to check my Friends Reunited account. I hadn't been on the site for about 2 years and, unsurprisingly, had no messages. But while I was on there I absentmindedly typed his name into the search. A list of around a hundred matches came up and I clicked on the first one. There wasn't much information on the profile, but there was a timeline. You can make them on there to list where you worked, lived and during what periods. This particular timeline was pretty scarce, with only about 2 jobs listed, a good ten years apart. Funnily enough though, one of the periods covered was 84-86... I was born in 85. My Mum looked at the company listed and confirmed that, yes indeed, that is where he had worked during their fling. So far, so spooky. I contacted him and after a tentative few weeks we began talking on a regular basis (I'm skimming over the drama this caused for my emotions!). It transpired that the day after he got my initial message, he'd had an important job interview after being made redundant from his previous company shortly before. He was highly stressed out about it and not getting the job wasn't an option. Then my message came along and suddenly his employment situation didn't seem all that important. He breezed into the interview, a smile on his face thanks to a long lost daughter appearing out of the woodwork and anything but sales techniques on his mind, and got the job. The interviewer had been impressed by his confident attitude in the face of his adversity. So there you go, htings really do happen for a reason!
Lately, I've noticed that people I know only vaguely keep coming into my shop. Not to buy anything but to talk to me about quite important issues in their lives. And generally ones that no one else knows about or that are secret. But, the weird thing is, they keep starting stories half way through, as though I'm already familiar with the person or situation that they're talking about. And the story always seems to culminate in 'and I just can't sleep'. I know it doesn't sound particularly remarkable but there's a pattern there and I'm desperate to find the meaning behind it. Am I just weirdly approachable to the sleep deprived? Do I have some deeply hidden wisdom I should be imparting to help them? Or am I just reading waaay to much into it? Or is there a message in there for me? I don't know, I'm baffled. But I will continue to try and find the meaning in it, because it doesn't seem to be showing nay signs of stopping!
Deep huh?

I have not read The Celestine Prophecy, as that is not my kind of philosophy. My suggestion would be not to look for an answer. Do not even think about it. Live the questions. Once you ask the correct question, you will find the answer.
To paraphrase Whitehead, just because one cannot answer the great questions is no reason not to be sensitive to them.