Hello both of yas.
A- It's ok that you couldn't make it to the girls night out, bec it didn't happen, we decided to cancel and try for another night. So, maybe you will be able to go then. I dont know when "then" is, but I will let you know.
Yes, I read the e-mail. Thank you. That has been one of the first studies I have heard about. I wonder why they didn't compare it being raised by 2 dads though.
Good, I'm glad you're happier back at your old job. How is school going this semester?
A- It's ok that you couldn't make it to the girls night out, bec it didn't happen, we decided to cancel and try for another night. So, maybe you will be able to go then. I dont know when "then" is, but I will let you know.
Good, I'm glad you're happier back at your old job. How is school going this semester?