well lets see where to start. Went to the bar last night we hung out with outr friend kevin who was watching the door. .
now kevin is about 6'4 i am 6'8" os the both of us at the dorr was pretty funny . People pulled out their id's way before they got in and never muttered a fould look or word. so we...
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hahaha fuck you entertain me. nice entry. smile
Well new years came no one else did . Everyone ha dplans so on . Iall and all it was an ok night amanda passed out at 11 as ussual. I stayed up pl,ayed video games and drank far too much . I did however get alot done on my office which was nice. I finally have my hellraiser wall going well and worked on...
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yeah sorry thats just INSANE. wow.
they werent supposed to be sexy hahaha
well i guess we are having a get together on new years eve nothing big but stll something im leary of doing. I guess i should explain why . 2001 I was working as a psychiatric nurse life was crazy. I never had any time to be social i worked these strange random shifts like 12 hours on 2 hours off and 8 hours on...
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GOOD FUCKING GOD. that story is like not even real.

oh and thanks for the compliment. smile
well since last time i have tlaked to the recruiter he said its jsut caught up in corperate bs waiting for big wigs to get back in the office so they can sign back of fon it and that all should still be golden . I am relieved there thats for sure. Christmas went well avery had a friggin blast was exausting but fun. I...
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Well here we are its thursday and still no call from that job.frown I have half way given up and figure dsomething must have come up on my background check or some crap. I cannot think of anything that would have come up but who knows. I tried to call the recruiter and figure out what was up but hes out of town until friday...
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.......still no word?

Get back to work, slacker.
well its tuedsay and no call yet if I donot hear form them by 2 pm I will call the recruiter back. work sucks i have been half out the fdoor all week its time i get my ass in gear incase this other job doesnt pan out. tried to remedy the car situation with the buddy no luck amazing how greedcan ruin things. I...
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pictures should do just fine.
just because you hear the phrase "in your dreams" a lot, doesnt make it the case. HAH
Brrrrrrr its friggin cold was 9 degrees when i came to work . Well some good news I talked to the recruiter for the banking company I interviewed with. He said they submitted a background and dmv check on me yeaterday assuming that all comes back fine I will have a verbal offer by monday. After that if all terms are agreeable the written offer...
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Sweet, hope this pans out. Imagine they will give you a MUCH better offer than the last potential employer.

/wimp, it wasn't that cold.
hahaha sup swap meet. haha
Ugg lets see I wont bore you with the dtails of the deception but lets jsut say someone I thought was a friends fucked me over and I am beat up by it. I am so tire d of these types of people I tend to find some sort of backwards comfort in being around. I tend to spend more time hanging out with the...
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i know i really need to find more guys like that.
The offer to go poke him in the eye is still good, mi compadre.
I am having a very hard time getting motivated to do much of anything today . It is driving me nuts but i still sit here doing nothing. The only thing that sounds good is going home crawling into my bed with my big ass down filled bedspread and having a big hot bowl of soup and a sandwich yummm. For some reason I am...
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uggg mondays rock smile waiting to find out about this new job until mid dec or earlyjanuary is going to drive me insane. and insanity for a job im sure i wont get just sux . top it all off it is friggin cold outside today 33 degrees with 25 mph dagger winds. founs my trash cans in a big pile of trash cans a block...
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Yes very cold indeed outside..The wind here sux..I'll be rooting for you and your hopefully new job. smile