TGIF wooooohoooo It has been a long arse week. I went home rebuilt the carb on my $20 lawn mower and it works like a champ . The downside to getting it working was that I then had to mow the yard Oh well it looks alot better now. I need to come up with some bricks so I can make our patio.We had company all night last night as well. Do you even have those "friends"who come over and barely say much to you they mainly sit on your computer eat your food then leave? This couple is always like that. Everytime we have a bbq they show up late right when the food is done eat quickly then leave.Most of the time they are not at the bbq for more than 30 mins. Then there are times like last night. the woman comes over all n8ight till the man gets off work then he comes over they eat then drink all our beer and then leave. I felt like crap last night. I still feel like crap today.I hate being sick I turn into a big baby I just want to lay in bed and cuddle. sigh no chance of that Amanda s working for the most part full time and going to school full time as well. Between all that my two jobs and a 2 year old cuddle ain bed time is 0 .I wish there was somewhere here that served good soup I just feel like eating soup . grilled cheese and tomato soup yummmmmmmm.
haha,, you are a big baby!