Well lets see where do I start. I got the job I had been complaining about finally after 4 months. That means starting march 13th I will be traveling even further down the abyss of corporate hell. We found out amanda is prego again so Thsi means I will have one more cute as hell rug rat occupying my life woohoo. I am really excited about this I always wanted two children. After this it is time for the good ol snip of the sac. I gave my 2 weeks notice on friday much silly childish bs took place as expected. It amazes me the way this current company I work for is run I think going to a more professional company will do wonders for my outlook. As sits my outlook on corporate america is a bunch of rednecks on power trips. Seriously for one guys 20 year aniversary they gave him a high powered rifle right here in work handed him a rifle with ammo none the less. So my days of fixing paper jams from deer hunting pictures and explaining to people their monitor is not their computer that it is the big box thingy with all the lights are at their end. woohoo anyways I have alot of work to do over the next two weeks I will try to update as I can.
More Blogs
Sunday Jul 22, 2007
New job lots of work blah blah blah being grown up is fun -
Friday Jul 13, 2007
Woot house to myself oddly enough its creepy and quiet. -
Thursday Jun 14, 2007
Blah what to add I could rant about work but that would defeat the p… -
Wednesday Apr 18, 2007
blah what to update work sucks bankers are pretty damn annoying. I … -
Thursday Apr 12, 2007
Things are getting better in a way my wife and myself are at least wo… -
Wednesday Apr 04, 2007
so lets see what has changed what has changed . For starters smauel w… -
Tuesday May 30, 2006
It has been forever sinc eI have updated so what the hell. Holiday we… -
Monday Feb 27, 2006
Well lets see where do I start. I got the job I had been complaining … -
Friday Jan 20, 2006
Ugggg I hate dropping avery off at his sitter he gets so upset right… -
Tuesday Jan 10, 2006
well it is another wonderful day her ein missouri it has been sleetin…
Hope all is well