Some days I donot feel human . I tend to think of myself as a zombie who has grown tired of searching for brains to eat and survie on . Instead I have evolved to a zombie who survives soely on coffee.
I have not been able to get more than 4 hours of sleep a night for over 2 weeks now. I think my...
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thankyou for your concern... i know if i waited it would just be more painful. 1/10th of my life was waisted, so i hope i took somethi from it. if not only, to know not to make the same mistake twice.
um... something. i forgot what. but um... HI. sinner.
the gues at =rav= are a bunch of bastard some day I hope cj will love me for more thanjust my cock . I know hes always gotta be the tough guy and all but somedays I just wish he would hold me aand tell me that I am sexy and he still lusts for me. Instead i just get a hey stick in my...
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I hate my job I really really hate it I have found lately that I spend most of my say thinking of new and interesting ways to kill my coworkers. I work in a redneck infested shithole automotive company. The collective technical knowlege here could maye half fill a thimble.Oddly enough same goes for the teeth . I get to report to a boss...
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the answer is me.
Well it is another sunny monday weeeee. I had my uber geek parade lan party this weekend and it was tons of fun however I am put off by the fact that i spent 16 hours playing video games. I had a friggin blast however . Everyone had a good time good food good beer good friends and good gaming perfect mix. I went and...
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ARghh sometimes life seems a like a little too much . Besides being broke as hell work has been wretched. I left 20 minutes early last night 1 minute after i left th e thin client server rebooted itsself. When this happens it takes 10 minutes and then it is back up. In that 10 minutes i had 7 phone calls about the issue ....
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thanks. its always nice to wake up and learn that your being compaired to two dudes.
hottie? hahahahha
Sigh one of the toughest things about being a parent is when you schild is sick you are helpless. Avery is sick I am pretty sure its his allergies. His eves get all itchy and start to water which scares him and he crys eyes daddy eyes avvery's eye daddy. The only thing I can do is kiss em and wait it out frown he has...
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Well its tuesday broke as shit and not wanting to be at work . Avery kept us up all night so I am pretty damn tired and I need a fucking haircut. My boss is acting like hes gonna leave the company which leaves me up shit creek without a paddle. I neeed more coffee I cant afford redbull today. I need to get back...
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what friends?
wel the end to another fine week is upon us . went topay $100 on cell phone online and it forced me to $265 weee. kinda screwed my spare cash situation . I had to up cell phone plan to $59.99 to keep the phone bills under $150 . Amanda uses the phone like crazy. I hate paying $60 for a phone but she seems...
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HAH alive.
how kinky?
update update time for an update tongue well lets see I got a really good job offer but it wa sin chicago and I just donot think it would be good to rip avery away from family at this age. It was an excellent offer however there are more important things . A job is a job family is forever.I had a great holiday weekend much...
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haha the smiling has become semi-rediculous. out of control.
what do you suggest gets pulled?
Well it has been a while since I have updated sorry about that to all the 2 maybe three people that read this smile . Well 2 or my 6 local friends have moved to kc frown For a very long time I tried to move there but didnt know anyone up there afraid blah blah blah . I buy a house and poof everyone moves ....
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i smiled back when i read that.
Woohoo hump day gotta love hump day. I am in a crabby arse mood this week . I am not sure exactly why but im just short tempered . Our old landlord sent us a bill for a bunch of bs we had it out a little bit no one really won. I really wish my significant other would stop smoking pot. I know its...
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Yeah, I understand what you're saying about the pot thing. I'm a marijuana user, but I see a mothers responsibility as sacrificing until the kid isn't COMPLETELY dependent on you. Like, I want to even quit work until my kid is in like.. the 3rd grade or so.. I figure.. I can quit smoking pot until they're older and I can explain to them that it's not completely criminal (although its not legal" but everyone has their reasons. Whether they be legitimate or sound like excuses.
Thanks, the heart sucks. Sometimes I want to rip it out.

And yes, yes.. I'm still alive.
yuck monday yuck yuck yuck man i want some arby's. I cannot get up from my desk it seems like caffiene is having a reverse effect on me today . I am exausted and cant make myself get up and go get lunch . I need to get back on my thyroid meds damnit. Avery's b day went great We had alot of fun he...
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