Well my car still isn't ready. I mean who would expect it to be fixed they have only had the fucking thing for a month. I am almost wishing they totaled the thing... almost. I love my scooby but for fucks sake the parts are impossible to find. I guess there aren't a lot of dumb fuckers out there like me who wreck them so the parts aren't so abundant and the new parts come from Japan.
+++New Favorite Bands+++ She Wants Revenge and old A7X
+++New Favorite Bands+++ She Wants Revenge and old A7X
Hi total random stranger. Stumbled upon you whilst browsing the site. She wants Revenge is totally fantastic!!! I just saw them down at House of Blues on Monday. It was filled with wicked sweetness!ok bye now
Aww that sucks. Well if Ever you get the chance definately see them live.