Well my car won't be ready for another week and that sucks but I am going to some sweet shows this weekend. Tomorrow I am going to see Clastic Rock then Saturday I am going to see Suicide City.
Well I have done something to generate some bad Karma for myself. Over the past week I got a huge crack on the passenger side of my new car then Tuesday I wrecked my car leaving work. Then tonight I got a speeding ticket. Thank goodness this week is finally over.
Well it is official my Powerbook G3 is fuct. I have to have the hard drive replaced and that completely sucks. On the upside Wicked Wisdom Kicks ass I borrowed a copy of my buddies CD and I will be going to get my own copy today. smile
Sorry it is so terribly belated.... but thank you for the comment on my set! smile I'm also selling the scarf that I was knitting in the set--and a ball of yarn, to boot. wink

I hope your computer makes a speedy recovery. wink
The beach during the full moon was pimp. Over the weekend I got the web on my left hand pierced. I kept getting it caught on stuff so i took it out. I didn't pay anything for it so i guess it wasn't that big of a loss. Saturday night seduction at the warehouse was pretty interesting,

PS being sick sucks.
Being sick does suck indeed. I thought that I was sick for a really long time, but it ended up being allergies. Yeah... surreal
I think that I used to know a guy in Evergreen Terrace. Hmmm... ARRR!!!
Only 2 more days until the full moon smile Last night two people I work with quit there shift half way through and there are only 4 people total that work my shift. Needless to say it was a shitty night.
I.R. the merc , It had a worn out old flathead in it so I took that out and stuck a nice 67 302 with a C-4 and a ford 9" rearend in it . It ran like a bullet . Rally t all gears in the rear so it was a hiway machine . I traded that car for the harley in my pics a few years ago . . . sad to see it go , but yo ugotta do what you gotta do smile
Yeah i can understand that.
It is cold and the full moon is almost here(February 13th). The full moon is my favorit time of the month. My new scooby (Subaru Impreza) loves the cold air it runs like a champ. I miss my Nissan Maxima but I really love my scooby. I was doing 100mph down 295 like I was cruising along at 65mph.
Today I woke up at 5:30 am, it was raining and it was great except for the fact I don't get up until 10:00 am because I don't have to be at work until 11;00 am. Work was alright I guess. I was one of three people and we were swamped with calls. I was reminded today why buying body jewelry retail is completely out...
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I have to own this Camera.

Samsung SCD6040 DuoCam MiniDV Camcorder w/10x Optical Zoom & 4.1 MP Digital Still Camera

Product Description
The new DuoCam SC-D6040 offers consumers a compact, versatile and lightweight package while overcoming limitations of conventional digital camera/ camcorder combinations. The device features two separate lenses that are mounted vertically, creating a uniquely slim design. Enhanced camera features include a button to...
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Well I didn't get my tattoo this weekend. Instead I went to see Underworld: Evolution with some buddies. I thought it was pretty good. I hope they don't kill the movies by trying to make a trilogy out of it. They have ruined more movies than helped by creating a trilogy. I mean look at The Matrix movies, after the first one they all sucked....
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Chuuuuuucks! love
True dat ARRR!!!

p.s.- So are pirates! biggrin
The Sun is up and the rain is gone how aprpriate now I have to go to work oh well at least my day is almost over. Tonight I think I am going to get a tattoo. I want to get my Memorial tattoo for my friend Chris that was killed by a Drunk driver a few months back but i'm not sure how long...
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Yay for tattoos! That's sad to hear about your friend though. I think that it's cool you'd get a tattoo for him.