A little help here.
Any suggestions for what i could do with this:
it's going to be/is my portfolio. I have to come up with a logo for my site and business cards as well. This shit is taking forever!
Any suggestions for what i could do with this:

it's going to be/is my portfolio. I have to come up with a logo for my site and business cards as well. This shit is taking forever!

As for your portfolio, and assuming that you're using Flash, I'd create a rollover effect that changed the right-side box to some sort of animated movie clip of your project. Of course, since we're dealing with Flash, it'd be best to do a trace bitmap (or something of that nature) of your projects and do a pan and zoom effect in that box.
It's hard to explain. It's kinda like the Mac OS picture screensaver that does subtle panning and zooming. You don't necessarily need to randomize it, though. And making them into vector graphics will certainly help when viewing the portfolio on shitty older computers (since bitmaps make the Flash player choke), which a lot of businesses tend to use.
Oh, and I thought it was kinda cool that you integrated SG into your portfolio.