I don't want to go to bed. I'm pretty sure she's asleep, but I'd still feel tense.

I had my graduation ceremony this past Saturday. It was cool seeing a few faces again. It was super crowded and uncomfortable though. At one point I was literally pressed against a wall in a room packed to the brim for a good 10 minutes. D:

Glad no one seemed to be claustrophobic. They would have lost their shit.

Anyway, now I have a degree....
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yes, my finger was hurt frown
but now its ok! thank you for your lovee!
LFW is the worst.

I don't know what to tell everyone who expects me to start a culinary career. I enjoy cooking, but I wouldn't like doing it for a living. My graduation ceremony is this Saturday. The only thing I feel like doing is going to school some more.


I just can't seem to stop analyzing everything. I live in the future, and the present is always viewed in the past.

This is gonna sound super nerdy and lame, but the Jedi Code is pretty legit. When I focus on impulses everything leads to shit.

There is no passion, there is Serenity.
I have an uber crush on a girl and I am a terrible person for it.

The end
Thanks for the lovely comment! I don't have a shop, but I'll probably make an online store soon where you can purchase prints and what-not! smile