I can't say that I would take part or even support it cause it's kind of a douchebag thing to do, but I do find this Harry Potter spoiler thing to be hilarious.
I never developed the slightest interest in the series, and the fanatics are kinda annoying sometimes. It's nice to be passionate about stuff though. So more power to ya.

aww haha


well whatever floats your boat I'm not a huge fan but I'm not ANTI fan either so <3


I'm posting from my Wii! This is a short post cause it takes long to type.

Hello there. Long time no talk...
What up

This summer has turned out to be quite uneventful. Lots of spending though... money, that is. Now that I don't have two apartments to pay for I can buy things that I want. I just can't find a bed or a desk that I like. It's cool though. No rush.

So the line-up for Voodoo Music Experience has been announced. I'm pumped to...
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haha, send me some money!
Finally put forth some effort. I got back the same results. May as well just kept procrastinating. At least then I had something to look forward to:

One day I will, one day I will

That ship has sailed. Across the pond, as they say.

One day I will.

Edit 6/10 5.45:

I cannot sleep. My sleep schedule is all messed up. I had a...
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I wish I knew what it was, but more so, I wish that you would tell it to me.
Things are still pretty dull. I've been stressed out and frustrated with a couple of things, the common theme being my time and effort spent for nothing in either case.
In a few days I will lose the last of my ties to my social existence. I wont kid myself about it. "I'll visit you, you'll visit me." I often think of myself as painfully...
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The summer is starting off slow. I'd like to think it will pick up in a week or so. I've planned to start buying furniture for my apartment. I've been sleeping on the floor for over 3 months now. That's not what bothers me though. I just don't like my computer sleeping on the floor ya know? It needs a desk.

Soon to come, my man.
Okie dokie

There is not much left of the semester. I have not done very well in my studies as I have lost interest in LSU. Well, not really LSU, but the whole schooling system. I'd spend the rest of my life in college learning everything about everything if it were possible.

Although money doesn't really matter much to me, it would be irresponsible for...
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Spring Break. I've been doing well with the studying. I told myself I was going to spend my free time studying. I didn't believe it though. I'm trying to catch up with the school work, especially German.

I've never really spent vacation time doing vacation things. Where do those people get the money for it?

I'm learning more efficiently what I should already know. I...
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I got a free chair from work today. I'm sure it's against policy, but the superiors were cool with me taking it. It's a little damaged. There are some holes and a little gash in the front. It was enought to mark it out of stock.

I win.

I have so much studying to do this week. I missed some classes last week, and there...
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