- on tex's status update
- on yuxi's photo
- on charmaine's blog post
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- on rachel06anne's blog post
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I've decided to cautiously publish some of my writing online. I'll show some people, get some feedback. We'll see if I should explore the print option after that. I think I'd like to have a book one day.
I've reached the end of year 3 in Portland, and I will be signing a new year long lease on Friday. Although I'm happy to have my...
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So I was reading up on copyright law. It's interesting stuff. Turns out a copyright is automatic upon creation of a work, and registration of the copyright is not required. Registration helps with infringement cases though. I think it's worth it. Gotta pay fees and all that, but I feel like I have some stuff that should be registered before I send it out to...
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I keep thinking of things that might interest me, but I can't find the motivation to do them.
Pick up the foreign languages again
Learn the art of Bonzai
Sailing lessons
Work on classic penmanship
Have another go at piano lessons
I need inspiration. If I only had that, I could write again.
Pick up the foreign languages again
Learn the art of Bonzai
Sailing lessons
Work on classic penmanship
Have another go at piano lessons
I need inspiration. If I only had that, I could write again.
I've been dragging my feet through the creation process of an OkCupid profile. It's... fun. The random questions you can answer are entertaining. I think I'm over thinking them. I'd go ahead and dive into OkCupid, but a friend of mine insists that I should only do that after I have the very best possible pics on my profile. He says selfies not only will...
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I've decided to maybe start to feel better one day.
That's an improvement, probably.
Drinking is still a thing that I do. Still obviously living in my mind prison. Powering through seasons upon seasons of random shows in Netflix.
I applied for a new passport. Traveling is a thing people do to find purpose and meaning, right? Now to find the time to do it...
That's an improvement, probably.
Drinking is still a thing that I do. Still obviously living in my mind prison. Powering through seasons upon seasons of random shows in Netflix.
I applied for a new passport. Traveling is a thing people do to find purpose and meaning, right? Now to find the time to do it...
I think the worst part of sleep is knowing there's another day behind it.
I wish I could be over the hurt feelings already. At the same time, I want everything to go back to how it was.
She makes me feel like I'm crazy. I suppose it's because she's moved onto the next thing, but despite all that has transpired between us she acts like it was never a thing. Has me questioning reality.. making me furious, and...
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She makes me feel like I'm crazy. I suppose it's because she's moved onto the next thing, but despite all that has transpired between us she acts like it was never a thing. Has me questioning reality.. making me furious, and...
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The sky mourns with me
Unrelenting void of gray
My heart is broken
Unrelenting void of gray
My heart is broken
Thanks i wish you the same
i hate how life gives you something, takes it away and then wants to give it back when you can't have it..

I wish I had more to drink in the apartment. You'd better believe I'm going to stock up. It's going to be a long summer.
She has yet to confirm, but things are shaping up to be precisely as I feared. Tonight I cried for the first time in 6 years. It was just a single tear that escaped the threshold of my eyelids, but...
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She has yet to confirm, but things are shaping up to be precisely as I feared. Tonight I cried for the first time in 6 years. It was just a single tear that escaped the threshold of my eyelids, but...
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Well, she's back tomorrow. I'm as anxious and nervous as I expected. I hadn't heard from her over the last week, save for a single text exchange.
Just passing the time while she's away. Trying to pick up good habits and healthy routines.
I bought a little table set for the balcony. Been taking in the rays these past few days. Nice, sunny, warm week in Portland.
I've started working out a bit-- just basic calisthenics to tone up. Eating a little healthier. Nothing drastic, but I've been making an effort to...
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I bought a little table set for the balcony. Been taking in the rays these past few days. Nice, sunny, warm week in Portland.
I've started working out a bit-- just basic calisthenics to tone up. Eating a little healthier. Nothing drastic, but I've been making an effort to...
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Well, it's 2 and a half weeks later.
Things have been completely wrapped up with the ex. She's in her new apartment, and we are not speaking much. She seems to be doing fine, but I don't suppose she would let me know otherwise.
My current interest is still driving me wild. Things are immensely more clear about how we feel about eachother. Although she...
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Things have been completely wrapped up with the ex. She's in her new apartment, and we are not speaking much. She seems to be doing fine, but I don't suppose she would let me know otherwise.
My current interest is still driving me wild. Things are immensely more clear about how we feel about eachother. Although she...
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