wow... its been soooooo fukin long since i updated this... course i guess working allll the time doesnt help...
so how are things with my peeps? hope all iz good in your part o the globe... myself? im gettin fuked everynight (not the right kind mind you) and work iz a *draaaaag* (insert cheesy slowmo 80's voise here)
oh well... i bet with more motivation (and encouragement) i'll be updateing this allll the time in, uh, no time
the kind of loving encouragement by sabine and shiholud... i wuv u guys!
so how are things with my peeps? hope all iz good in your part o the globe... myself? im gettin fuked everynight (not the right kind mind you) and work iz a *draaaaag* (insert cheesy slowmo 80's voise here)
oh well... i bet with more motivation (and encouragement) i'll be updateing this allll the time in, uh, no time

the kind of loving encouragement by sabine and shiholud... i wuv u guys!

i actually have thought of coming to japan.. it's just more expensive there than in some other areas.. or am i wrong?