On Saturday night I experienced my first bona fide blackout. Not merely 'passing out', but actual alcohol related amnesia. I am so embarrassed & ashamed. Not to mention rather freaked out 
According to some research I've done online, blackouts can be divided into two categories:
1. "En bloc" blackouts are classified by the inability to later recall any memories from the intoxicated period, even when prompted. As such, a person experiencing an en bloc blackout may not appear to be doing so, as they can carry on conversations or even manage to accomplish difficult feats such as driving cars. It is difficult to determine the end of this type of blackout as sleep typically occurs before they end.
2. "Fragmentary" blackouts are characterised by the ability to recall certain events from an intoxicated period, yet be unaware that other memories are missing until reminded of the existence of these 'gaps' in memory.
Research indicates that fragmentary blackouts are far more common than en bloc blackouts. And guess which one I had to go & have? Yup, the more hectic of the two
...Lee & I were at our mate, Leigh's, birthday braai (BBQ) from around 3 that afternoon. I was so bloated on gin & tonic that by the time the food was ready I could hardly stomach a thing. Then at around 10pm we moved on to Red Room to celebrate another mate, Michelle's, birthday. I do remember perhaps the first hour or so at the club (by then I had switched to Heineken & shots of tequila - bought for me by other people), but after that my mind is a complete blank. Apparently I was "very talkative" & engaged in conversations about some "interesting topics". I honest to God cannot remember any of this. But even scarier, no matter how hard I try, I cannot remember getting in my car & driving me & Lee home (he was even worse for the wear than I was). I woke up on Sunday with a swollen, very black & blue foot (looks like someone stomped on my toes REALLY hard) & roasties on both elbows. I shudder to think what I looked like in that state, & how I actually sustained those injuries.
During the course of the evening I managed to lose my Sony digital camera (worth around R5k...the equivalent to 695 USD / 348 GBP / 517 EUR), my prescription glasses (I am currently writing this near blind), a brand new bottle of MAC foundation & a new tube of Environ moisturiser. FUCK
I am assuming they fell out of my bag & were kicked around on the dancefloor. The zip probably wasn't closed properly. It's a miracle that my wallet & cellphone stayed inside. I'd be completely lost without them.
Needless to say I was pretty shaken by the whole experience & you can be sure I won't be going down that road again. Not only because it is disgraceful & bloody dangerous, but because we've got a huge new responsibility in our life...

Induna Monty, D.O.B. 29 April 2007
Isn't he just the sweetest thing
Although, that said, the past 3 & a half days have been some of the most trying of my life. The chewing of everything & lack of sleep I can handle, but OMG, the toilet training thing is driving me MAD. I've never felt so out of my depth & overwhelmed & exasperated in all my born days!!!
This is what he should look like when fully grown...

Induna Titus
Okay, I've spent long enough on this update! Best I'd get down to some real writing now (I've got a deadline looming) before the baby wakes up from his nap

According to some research I've done online, blackouts can be divided into two categories:
1. "En bloc" blackouts are classified by the inability to later recall any memories from the intoxicated period, even when prompted. As such, a person experiencing an en bloc blackout may not appear to be doing so, as they can carry on conversations or even manage to accomplish difficult feats such as driving cars. It is difficult to determine the end of this type of blackout as sleep typically occurs before they end.
2. "Fragmentary" blackouts are characterised by the ability to recall certain events from an intoxicated period, yet be unaware that other memories are missing until reminded of the existence of these 'gaps' in memory.
Research indicates that fragmentary blackouts are far more common than en bloc blackouts. And guess which one I had to go & have? Yup, the more hectic of the two

...Lee & I were at our mate, Leigh's, birthday braai (BBQ) from around 3 that afternoon. I was so bloated on gin & tonic that by the time the food was ready I could hardly stomach a thing. Then at around 10pm we moved on to Red Room to celebrate another mate, Michelle's, birthday. I do remember perhaps the first hour or so at the club (by then I had switched to Heineken & shots of tequila - bought for me by other people), but after that my mind is a complete blank. Apparently I was "very talkative" & engaged in conversations about some "interesting topics". I honest to God cannot remember any of this. But even scarier, no matter how hard I try, I cannot remember getting in my car & driving me & Lee home (he was even worse for the wear than I was). I woke up on Sunday with a swollen, very black & blue foot (looks like someone stomped on my toes REALLY hard) & roasties on both elbows. I shudder to think what I looked like in that state, & how I actually sustained those injuries.
During the course of the evening I managed to lose my Sony digital camera (worth around R5k...the equivalent to 695 USD / 348 GBP / 517 EUR), my prescription glasses (I am currently writing this near blind), a brand new bottle of MAC foundation & a new tube of Environ moisturiser. FUCK

Needless to say I was pretty shaken by the whole experience & you can be sure I won't be going down that road again. Not only because it is disgraceful & bloody dangerous, but because we've got a huge new responsibility in our life...

Induna Monty, D.O.B. 29 April 2007
Isn't he just the sweetest thing

This is what he should look like when fully grown...

Induna Titus
Okay, I've spent long enough on this update! Best I'd get down to some real writing now (I've got a deadline looming) before the baby wakes up from his nap

But many times I drove home way too wasted, luckily nothing happened but I shudder to think there are other people on the road that are in the state I used to drive home, and that now freaks me out.
Try be safe, your new baby looks incredible real babe magnet.