Here is a pic of me & Azzura taken at The Doors on Saturday night. I was so trollied by this time that I'm afraid I can't even remember to whom I lent my camera & who actually took this photo!!

And here are some pix I took today of the progress on our house. According to the builder (my mom thinks he's hot
), we are about 6 weeks away from installation of the kitchen & bathrooms (the last things to get done before we move in!)

The old ballies next door - from whom we bought the sub-divided piece of land - had a major wobbly 'cos I parked in their driveway. The old man (French) just held his hand flat on the hooter of their old Merc & when she saw me the old lady (German) jumped out the passenger door & started screaming at me like a bloody banshee
She was practically frothing at the mouth, I swear
This is unfortunately not the first time we've had altercations with them, & I'm damn sure it won't be our last. I know having building going on right next door is not the most pleasant thing, but Lee & I have always been very civil towards them & I certainly didn't do anything to provoke that kind of outburst. It's no use hurling verbal abuse back at them 'cos it'll just make things more awkward when we do actually move in & become neighbours proper. So I just got in my car & moved it out the way
Tonight our Body Corporate has called a special meeting. Although we won't be living in this complex much longer, we're keeping our unit to rent out, so we'll still need to know what's potting.
Hope you're all having a good week? One question for you before I go: What's the worst fight you've ever had with a neighbour & how did you resolve it?

And here are some pix I took today of the progress on our house. According to the builder (my mom thinks he's hot

The old ballies next door - from whom we bought the sub-divided piece of land - had a major wobbly 'cos I parked in their driveway. The old man (French) just held his hand flat on the hooter of their old Merc & when she saw me the old lady (German) jumped out the passenger door & started screaming at me like a bloody banshee

Tonight our Body Corporate has called a special meeting. Although we won't be living in this complex much longer, we're keeping our unit to rent out, so we'll still need to know what's potting.
Hope you're all having a good week? One question for you before I go: What's the worst fight you've ever had with a neighbour & how did you resolve it?

house appears to be coming on nicely... great pic from doors!
i am still getting used to complex life, having lived in the burbs all my life... not as easy as one would image mostly due to the "human element" because some ppl just dont see things the way we do, do they?
are we still on for a SGZA get together at the end of June?