So the magazine finally hits our Jozi shelves at 4 o' clock this afternoon. I've just read my first published feature story & I should be feeling on top of the world, right? Wrong. I feel decidedly flat. I fucking hate the way they've edited it. Especially the conclusion. My version was far more poetic & thought provoking. There's a reason we're writers & they're editors. I wish they'd just stick to correcting grammar & typos & leave the creative stuff up to us
Cover blurb

Page 60 + 61

Page 62

Oh well, I guess it's adios amigos. I'm off to nurse a bruised ego & contemplate an alternative career path

Cover blurb

Page 60 + 61

Page 62

Oh well, I guess it's adios amigos. I'm off to nurse a bruised ego & contemplate an alternative career path

Well glad your published !!!!!!!!!!

Congrats just the start of more to come.