On MAR 16, 2007 at 05:06 PM I posted a comment in Miss Chloe Suicide's blog re: her fear of growing old.
The way I see it, I think this "Peter Pan syndrome" plagues a LOT more people than she thinks...
Now while I totally sympathise with what she was trying to say, I'm definitely more of a realist. And the way I see it - ageing is a natural process; you can't fight Mother Nature. We were only designed to live a certain period of time in this body on this earth. There is simply no such thing as immortality. No magic fountain of youth to 100% stop / reverse the organic signs of ageing & halt the gradual decay. Like Marilyn Manson so succinctly puts it: ""As soon as it is born, it begins to die".
That said, however, I am also a firm believer in the notion that you are only as old as you FEEL. I'm sure there are plenty of geriatrics out there who still feel like they're sweet 16 inside. They're the ones who, when asked about their age, will tell you that they're 90 years YOUNG - as opposed to 90 years OLD - & can smile back on the memories of a life well lived, whilst laughing about their boobs sitting on their knees.
Now, whilst growing older is inevitable, completely losing your looks is certainly not. Yup, even for alternative types such as ourselves, ageing gracefully & dressing "age appropriately" is perfectly do-able, without compromising our unique sense of style & individuality. Take a look at the likes of the legendary Siouxsie Sioux. Below are some pix I found of her taken at the Radio 1 studios in Oct 2004. She was 47 then, & believe it or not - she'll be turning the big FIVE-oh on 27th May this year!!!!!

As you can see from her transition, I don't think it's so much a matter of CHANGING your entire look, but rather of TONING things DOWN a bit - from your hair, to your makeup, to the length of your skirts & the tightness of your tops. You can definitely still be cool, without looking like tired old mutton dressed as lamb.
For me, one of the most inspirational girls on this site is the exquisite Miss Rox Suicide who...*drum roll please*...will be turning an impressive 38 in August (!!), & my God, how frickin' stunning does she still look

The way I see it, I think this "Peter Pan syndrome" plagues a LOT more people than she thinks...
Now while I totally sympathise with what she was trying to say, I'm definitely more of a realist. And the way I see it - ageing is a natural process; you can't fight Mother Nature. We were only designed to live a certain period of time in this body on this earth. There is simply no such thing as immortality. No magic fountain of youth to 100% stop / reverse the organic signs of ageing & halt the gradual decay. Like Marilyn Manson so succinctly puts it: ""As soon as it is born, it begins to die".
That said, however, I am also a firm believer in the notion that you are only as old as you FEEL. I'm sure there are plenty of geriatrics out there who still feel like they're sweet 16 inside. They're the ones who, when asked about their age, will tell you that they're 90 years YOUNG - as opposed to 90 years OLD - & can smile back on the memories of a life well lived, whilst laughing about their boobs sitting on their knees.
Now, whilst growing older is inevitable, completely losing your looks is certainly not. Yup, even for alternative types such as ourselves, ageing gracefully & dressing "age appropriately" is perfectly do-able, without compromising our unique sense of style & individuality. Take a look at the likes of the legendary Siouxsie Sioux. Below are some pix I found of her taken at the Radio 1 studios in Oct 2004. She was 47 then, & believe it or not - she'll be turning the big FIVE-oh on 27th May this year!!!!!

As you can see from her transition, I don't think it's so much a matter of CHANGING your entire look, but rather of TONING things DOWN a bit - from your hair, to your makeup, to the length of your skirts & the tightness of your tops. You can definitely still be cool, without looking like tired old mutton dressed as lamb.
For me, one of the most inspirational girls on this site is the exquisite Miss Rox Suicide who...*drum roll please*...will be turning an impressive 38 in August (!!), & my God, how frickin' stunning does she still look

Youve gone blank.