Today Lee & I went out to Induna Boerboels near Oliver Tambo International Airport & met the parents of our Boerboel puppy, who is due to be born on 23 / 24 April...

Induna Savanna (mother)

Induna Titus (father)
["Induna" means "Chief" in Zulu]. We should be able to take delivery of Monty (yup, we've already named our new baby!) in mid-July, when he's 10 weeks old. We are sooooo excited!!!!!

Tonight we're off to The Red Room, with Michal & Michelle. They're having an 'Alternative Icons' Party where they will be "paying homage to some of the great alternative icons of the 80s and 90s & the effect they're having on the New Millennium Alternative Revolution"...

Induna Savanna (mother)

Induna Titus (father)
["Induna" means "Chief" in Zulu]. We should be able to take delivery of Monty (yup, we've already named our new baby!) in mid-July, when he's 10 weeks old. We are sooooo excited!!!!!

Tonight we're off to The Red Room, with Michal & Michelle. They're having an 'Alternative Icons' Party where they will be "paying homage to some of the great alternative icons of the 80s and 90s & the effect they're having on the New Millennium Alternative Revolution"...

Are we going to see you next Sunday?