Friday night was quite an experience...
I am a member of a site called CreatingX, which acts as a networking platform for creatives & like-minded people in the local advertising industry, & they were holding their first collaborative party at a club called Sublime, in Benmore, Sandton. Almost all our mates who I had invited along pitched up & we were having a rocking time, when out of the blue (around 2:30am), everything came to an abrupt & very premature halt...Some knob had opened a fire extinguisher all over the dancefloor & DJ box downstairs. And then to add insult to injury, one of our friends, Keiron - who had been UPSTAIRS with us the whole damn time - ended up getting scapegoated for the dirty deed & my alcohol-&-testosterone-fueled comrades (& I) very nearly ended up in fisticuffs with the surly Hungarian mafia owners / bouncers!!
Thank God sanity prevailed & we managed to talk some sense into them before beating a pretty hasty, but safe, retreat.
Saturday was spent nursing a hangover from hell, ARRRGH
Tonight it'll be a week since our last really big highveld hailstorm, that smashed a whole bunch of tiles on our roof & blew our TV
I don't remember the last time I was that frightened by a storm. It sounded like our whole townhouse was being ripped apart & I honestly thought that the windows might blow in at any second. Needless to say, I have insisted that ALL the windows on our new house come with safety or security glass, & that our corrugated iron roof be bolted down to the brick-&-mortar structure like there's no tomorrow!
On another note entirely: don't you think it's really sad that Marilyn & Dita are getting divorced??

I am a member of a site called CreatingX, which acts as a networking platform for creatives & like-minded people in the local advertising industry, & they were holding their first collaborative party at a club called Sublime, in Benmore, Sandton. Almost all our mates who I had invited along pitched up & we were having a rocking time, when out of the blue (around 2:30am), everything came to an abrupt & very premature halt...Some knob had opened a fire extinguisher all over the dancefloor & DJ box downstairs. And then to add insult to injury, one of our friends, Keiron - who had been UPSTAIRS with us the whole damn time - ended up getting scapegoated for the dirty deed & my alcohol-&-testosterone-fueled comrades (& I) very nearly ended up in fisticuffs with the surly Hungarian mafia owners / bouncers!!

Saturday was spent nursing a hangover from hell, ARRRGH

Tonight it'll be a week since our last really big highveld hailstorm, that smashed a whole bunch of tiles on our roof & blew our TV

On another note entirely: don't you think it's really sad that Marilyn & Dita are getting divorced??

no comment on the club experiance, but im glad it didnt come to blows
hope they pay you out quickly for the damage
yeh it is quite sad about them, but in all honisty, how many celeb weddings last
how's Gia, she's quitet lately