Today I'm heading off to the The Picture Frame Shop (discount framers) on Main Road in Randburg CBD to choose frames for our two best wedding photographs (taken in June last year) + two original photographs I bought from Sean Coetzer earlier this year. Aren't they exquisite...

[I fucking hate the way this site just cuts pix off instead of automatically re-sizing them to fit the format
. If you want to see these photos properly, or anything else from Sean's portfolio for that matter, you gotta go check out his site: This is one seriously talented man!]
Anyway, I've used them - the framers - before, & their work is outstanding, at very reasonable prices. (I've got a black belt in shopping; when it comes to parting with hard-earned cash, I'm an unashamed bargain hunter).
After that I'm going to Clearwater Mall to buy myself a dictaphone - for all the interviews I plan on doing for my magazine stories. I certainly don't want to be going around mis-quoting any of my sources now, do I?!
I also want to pop into Freequency (my absolute favourite shoe shop in the whole wide world!) - to check out their summer collection which has just arrived. I'm not planning on actually BUYING anything...but with my notorious fetish for unusual, expensive shoes, we'll just have to wait & see
Tonight I am making my man a prawn stir-fry for supper. Believe it or not, I have actually cooked every single night this week - since SUNDAY! This is definitely some kind of record for me! (Up until the beginning of this month - when I left the corporate rat race - we generally lived on takeaways, especially during the week). Me cooking dinner every night is one of the conditions that I have been given in order for him to assume the role of sole breadwinner for a while, with me working from home whilst getting Edge Models & my freelance journalism career off the ground. Fair enough, I s'pose. Now I really feel like a WIFE
Hope you all have yourselves a fab weekend
Have just arrived back from Clearwater now. Ended up buying half a dozen gorgeous scatter cushions from Osiers, as well as a pair of stunningly feminine, but very funky pumps (100% leather, imported from Brazil). Oh, & also a snazzy digital dictaphone, whose sessions you just download & listen to on your PC. No more funny little tapes to deal with, like in the old days

[I fucking hate the way this site just cuts pix off instead of automatically re-sizing them to fit the format

Anyway, I've used them - the framers - before, & their work is outstanding, at very reasonable prices. (I've got a black belt in shopping; when it comes to parting with hard-earned cash, I'm an unashamed bargain hunter).
After that I'm going to Clearwater Mall to buy myself a dictaphone - for all the interviews I plan on doing for my magazine stories. I certainly don't want to be going around mis-quoting any of my sources now, do I?!

I also want to pop into Freequency (my absolute favourite shoe shop in the whole wide world!) - to check out their summer collection which has just arrived. I'm not planning on actually BUYING anything...but with my notorious fetish for unusual, expensive shoes, we'll just have to wait & see

Tonight I am making my man a prawn stir-fry for supper. Believe it or not, I have actually cooked every single night this week - since SUNDAY! This is definitely some kind of record for me! (Up until the beginning of this month - when I left the corporate rat race - we generally lived on takeaways, especially during the week). Me cooking dinner every night is one of the conditions that I have been given in order for him to assume the role of sole breadwinner for a while, with me working from home whilst getting Edge Models & my freelance journalism career off the ground. Fair enough, I s'pose. Now I really feel like a WIFE

Hope you all have yourselves a fab weekend

Have just arrived back from Clearwater now. Ended up buying half a dozen gorgeous scatter cushions from Osiers, as well as a pair of stunningly feminine, but very funky pumps (100% leather, imported from Brazil). Oh, & also a snazzy digital dictaphone, whose sessions you just download & listen to on your PC. No more funny little tapes to deal with, like in the old days