Am spending the day at home. Was up most of the night with a terrible migraine, & just needed to catch up on some sleep. It's so damn hot in Jo'burg at the mo. I friggin' HATE the African heat, & am sooo not looking forward to another scorching summer
Saturday afternoon we went round to Lara & Mervin's place for a braai, & to meet their 3-week old daughter, Calais. What a cutie pie
Yolanda & Warren were also there, with the two girls, Kyla (10) & Cheyenne (3). Yo is now only 5 week's away from having her 3rd baby, whom they are naming Charlotte - one of my all-time FAVOURITE names for a little girl!! After that we went through to Red Room with Tarryn, who recently treated herself to a NA (Narcotics Anonymous) tattoo on her left forearm to mark 90 days of being clean & sober. (Coke was her drug of choice, & the one that landed her in the worst trouble - although alcohol was a major problem for her, too). Over time she wants to build this tattoo into a half-sleeve. Jennifer & Jon also joined us at Red Room. At about 1:45am, Lee & I couldn't bear the heat & smoke inside anymore (they really need to do something about decent extractor fans & air-con in that place) & decided to head on home, but not before stopping off at Giovanni's in Banbury first...for a late-night pizza to satiate the munchies
Yesterday went by in a rather lazy haze of sex, food & TV. Had a power failure about 15 minutes from the end of the F1 GP last night, so Lee had to phone his dad in Durbs & get him to put the cellphone next to the telly so he could at least HEAR Massa winning in front of his home crowd
I was supposed to meet up with one of the guys from the model agency at Fashion TV Cafe in Sandton between the braai & Red Room on Saturday night, but he SMSd me earlier that afternoon to say that one of his best friends had just committed suicide (over business, of all things
), & that he wasn't exactly feeling up to a night out. I said I totally understood, & that we'd get together another time. Lord knows I understand how hard it is losing a friend so young, in the prime of their life. It'll be the 1-year anniversary of Angie's death on the 25th of next month. A day I am dreading.
Oh, on a happier note: there's some good news I've been meaning to share with you lot - the transfer on our land went through (on Friday 13th, of all days!), which means we can now start building. Woohoo!! The builder reckons we could be up to roof height by builder's holiday (16th December), but somehow we seriously doubt that. As long as they get started, we'll be happy. After all, we now have to start paying hard-earned cash on the land (R500k worth).
Before I love & leave you, I thought I'd spoil you to a bit of eye frickin' HOTTT is this chick's body
Have a good week!!!
PS. I've just found out that one of my oldest & dearest mate's from art school days (we were in the same Graphic Design class in 1994), cinderkill, is also a member of this site. She now lives in Kensington, London with her husband & baby girl. The last time we saw them was at our wedding in June last year. She was pregnant at the time. I'm sooo excited to have her on board! I just wish more of my girlfriends would join the site, as it's such an awesome way to keep in touch with what's happening in one another's lives, no matter how far apart we may be geographically...
Saturday afternoon we went round to Lara & Mervin's place for a braai, & to meet their 3-week old daughter, Calais. What a cutie pie
Yesterday went by in a rather lazy haze of sex, food & TV. Had a power failure about 15 minutes from the end of the F1 GP last night, so Lee had to phone his dad in Durbs & get him to put the cellphone next to the telly so he could at least HEAR Massa winning in front of his home crowd
I was supposed to meet up with one of the guys from the model agency at Fashion TV Cafe in Sandton between the braai & Red Room on Saturday night, but he SMSd me earlier that afternoon to say that one of his best friends had just committed suicide (over business, of all things
Oh, on a happier note: there's some good news I've been meaning to share with you lot - the transfer on our land went through (on Friday 13th, of all days!), which means we can now start building. Woohoo!! The builder reckons we could be up to roof height by builder's holiday (16th December), but somehow we seriously doubt that. As long as they get started, we'll be happy. After all, we now have to start paying hard-earned cash on the land (R500k worth).
Before I love & leave you, I thought I'd spoil you to a bit of eye frickin' HOTTT is this chick's body
Have a good week!!!
PS. I've just found out that one of my oldest & dearest mate's from art school days (we were in the same Graphic Design class in 1994), cinderkill, is also a member of this site. She now lives in Kensington, London with her husband & baby girl. The last time we saw them was at our wedding in June last year. She was pregnant at the time. I'm sooo excited to have her on board! I just wish more of my girlfriends would join the site, as it's such an awesome way to keep in touch with what's happening in one another's lives, no matter how far apart we may be geographically...
good on your mate for coming clean, i hope she keeps it up
fook yeh shomaker didnt win