Our fridge has just packed up. So guess what we're buying for our 1-year wedding anniversary pressie to ourselves!? Exciting, huh
The exhibition opening at the gallery in Melrose Arch on Thursday was excellent. Saso is an incredibly talented artist. It's just unfortunate that we couldn't afford to buy any of his works on display (most of them were on sale for R30k a piece). But we were told, confidentially mind you, that he would be happy to do a private commission for our new home, at a substantially reduced price, ie. by cutting out the gallery owner & their slice of the deal. Afterwards we swung via our favourite Thai restaurant on Corlett Drive, called 2 Thai 4, where we picked up some yummy takeaways before heading on back to our little nest in the North.
On Friday night we hired Charlie & the Chocolate Factory on DVD, which was a good laugh. Johnny Depp as Willie Wonka just cracked me up! Then on Saturday we headed out to our closest Renault dealership where I took one look at the Clio 3 & decided it wasn't for me. I must admit I hadn't really looked at it properly when we drove past it in the 'Berg before its launch last month, & then when I found myself really seeing it for the first time in the flesh, so to speak, I realised that the angles at which it had been shot for advertising purposes were actually quite deceptive. I am extremely fussy when it comes to the external styling of a car. For me there are two non-negotiables: a nice face & a nice bum - oh, & everything must be in proportion, otherwise I won't even consider driving it! (Kinda like what I look for in a sexual partner, actually, haha!!) The 2nd generation Clio was by far the best looking of the three. Cute & chunky, with oodles of character & charm. The new one looks too much like the Megane, whose avant-garde styling I do not like at all. So there was actually no competition - I'm gonna be taking the Honda Civic after all!!
After Renault we went through to 4th Ave Parkhurst, where Lee spoilt me to a massive bunch of voluptuous, richly scented roses from a place called The Yard, to mark our anniversary. This was followed by a visit to Hadeda, a specialist shop on Jan Smuts Avenue jam-packed with the coolest & quirkiest in Mexican art & crafts, where I picked up a couple of quaint metal wall pieces for our home. And then onto Woolworths Cafe in Hyde Park Corner, where we indulged in one of their scrummy buffet lunches. I also went into the Pringle shop where I got my Dad one of their famous sleeveless jumpers for Father's Day (16th June). That afternoon Lee watched the qualifier for the British F1 GP on TV, while I lay on our bed in a patch of warm winter sun & read my book. We then had a nice looooong lazy afternoon sleep, before getting up, bathing & beautifying ourselves for a serious night on the tiles. Hooked up with Azzura at a funky little bar, called Trancesky, in Melville, then drove through in convoy to Teknotribe's new venue, Loaded, in Newtown - which actually turned out to be the back section of Carfax - one of our favourite Jozi clubs.
After partying the night away, & stopping off at Giovanni's at Banbury Cross Village for a pizza, we crawled indoors at 4am. Yesterday was spent lounging around at home, braai'ing boerewors rolls for lunch & watching the GP on TV. The first & last time we've ever had the opportunity to watch a Grand Prix live was at Silverstone in 1997. And what a rush that was!!
Tonight I'm going to visit Tarryn & say 'hi' to her kids (two dogs), plus hear all about the new man in her life...
Till tomorrow then

The exhibition opening at the gallery in Melrose Arch on Thursday was excellent. Saso is an incredibly talented artist. It's just unfortunate that we couldn't afford to buy any of his works on display (most of them were on sale for R30k a piece). But we were told, confidentially mind you, that he would be happy to do a private commission for our new home, at a substantially reduced price, ie. by cutting out the gallery owner & their slice of the deal. Afterwards we swung via our favourite Thai restaurant on Corlett Drive, called 2 Thai 4, where we picked up some yummy takeaways before heading on back to our little nest in the North.
On Friday night we hired Charlie & the Chocolate Factory on DVD, which was a good laugh. Johnny Depp as Willie Wonka just cracked me up! Then on Saturday we headed out to our closest Renault dealership where I took one look at the Clio 3 & decided it wasn't for me. I must admit I hadn't really looked at it properly when we drove past it in the 'Berg before its launch last month, & then when I found myself really seeing it for the first time in the flesh, so to speak, I realised that the angles at which it had been shot for advertising purposes were actually quite deceptive. I am extremely fussy when it comes to the external styling of a car. For me there are two non-negotiables: a nice face & a nice bum - oh, & everything must be in proportion, otherwise I won't even consider driving it! (Kinda like what I look for in a sexual partner, actually, haha!!) The 2nd generation Clio was by far the best looking of the three. Cute & chunky, with oodles of character & charm. The new one looks too much like the Megane, whose avant-garde styling I do not like at all. So there was actually no competition - I'm gonna be taking the Honda Civic after all!!
After Renault we went through to 4th Ave Parkhurst, where Lee spoilt me to a massive bunch of voluptuous, richly scented roses from a place called The Yard, to mark our anniversary. This was followed by a visit to Hadeda, a specialist shop on Jan Smuts Avenue jam-packed with the coolest & quirkiest in Mexican art & crafts, where I picked up a couple of quaint metal wall pieces for our home. And then onto Woolworths Cafe in Hyde Park Corner, where we indulged in one of their scrummy buffet lunches. I also went into the Pringle shop where I got my Dad one of their famous sleeveless jumpers for Father's Day (16th June). That afternoon Lee watched the qualifier for the British F1 GP on TV, while I lay on our bed in a patch of warm winter sun & read my book. We then had a nice looooong lazy afternoon sleep, before getting up, bathing & beautifying ourselves for a serious night on the tiles. Hooked up with Azzura at a funky little bar, called Trancesky, in Melville, then drove through in convoy to Teknotribe's new venue, Loaded, in Newtown - which actually turned out to be the back section of Carfax - one of our favourite Jozi clubs.
After partying the night away, & stopping off at Giovanni's at Banbury Cross Village for a pizza, we crawled indoors at 4am. Yesterday was spent lounging around at home, braai'ing boerewors rolls for lunch & watching the GP on TV. The first & last time we've ever had the opportunity to watch a Grand Prix live was at Silverstone in 1997. And what a rush that was!!
Tonight I'm going to visit Tarryn & say 'hi' to her kids (two dogs), plus hear all about the new man in her life...
Till tomorrow then

mmm no thats not the best aniversary prezzie