Sonja's GeNeSiS party on Friday night was unfortunately very quiet. Such a pity, as the music (mainly EBM) was awesome. And quite a remarkable feat, really - considering she found herself 2 DJs short!! She originally had 5 lined up for the night, but 2 were arrested for openly smoking crack on the indoor balcony overlooking the dancefloor
- before they even got a chance to play their sets!!! We were home by 12:40am.
After spoiling myself to a bit of retail therapy at Nelson Mandela Square (ex-Sandton Square) yesterday afternoon, & a late leisurely lunch at the News Cafe just off Hans Strijdom Drive, Lee & I went to the Red Room last night. As usual, it was packed.
I needed to speak to Ashton Nyte (resident DJ / manager & vocalist for local Goth band - The Awakening) re: usage of the venue for a photo shoot, which he very kindly agreed to. I can't say too much more about it at this stage of the game - lest I jinx the whole project - but do watch this space
After one too many glasses of red wine (I don't handle my wine too well
), Lee managed to steer me out of there & we were safely home by 1am.
Woke up at sparrow's fart this morning to watch the Australian GP on telly. I have spent the rest of the day cat-napping & working on my business proposal & feasability plan, while Lee went & hooned around Zwartkops race track in his Honda aka "The Beast"
Below is a pic of me in 1 of my 2 new dresses from Pulsate (probably my all-time FAVOURITE fashion destination in Jo'burg). I just fell in love with the retro feel of the cut & fabric of this dress. The other is a distressed, asymmetrical, motorcycle-themed creation. I'll take a pic of it when I wear it next weekend.
Am going to make a roast chicken with roast veg for dinner tonight. Hope my man appreciates it!!
Love you all
After spoiling myself to a bit of retail therapy at Nelson Mandela Square (ex-Sandton Square) yesterday afternoon, & a late leisurely lunch at the News Cafe just off Hans Strijdom Drive, Lee & I went to the Red Room last night. As usual, it was packed.
I needed to speak to Ashton Nyte (resident DJ / manager & vocalist for local Goth band - The Awakening) re: usage of the venue for a photo shoot, which he very kindly agreed to. I can't say too much more about it at this stage of the game - lest I jinx the whole project - but do watch this space
After one too many glasses of red wine (I don't handle my wine too well
Woke up at sparrow's fart this morning to watch the Australian GP on telly. I have spent the rest of the day cat-napping & working on my business proposal & feasability plan, while Lee went & hooned around Zwartkops race track in his Honda aka "The Beast"
Below is a pic of me in 1 of my 2 new dresses from Pulsate (probably my all-time FAVOURITE fashion destination in Jo'burg). I just fell in love with the retro feel of the cut & fabric of this dress. The other is a distressed, asymmetrical, motorcycle-themed creation. I'll take a pic of it when I wear it next weekend.
Am going to make a roast chicken with roast veg for dinner tonight. Hope my man appreciates it!!
Love you all
mmm roast dinner im having fish and chips