Howdy, peeps! Dunno 'bout you, but the pages in my diary for this weekend seem to be filling up rather fast...No rest for the wicked, it seems
Tomorrow night we're going to a surprise 21st for one of Lee's female colleagues. Somewhere out on the East Rand. (For those of you that don't know the layout of Johannesburg - the city is vast & sprawling &, with the original Jo'burg CBD at its centre, is basically divided up into the East Rand, the West Rand, & what us locals call "the North" & "the South" - the former being where we stay). Chris & Tarryn are also going to be there. Can't wait to see her again. She's got a really mischievous streak, & we always end up having so much fun together >;-)
On Saturday we're going to The Home Show @ the Sandton Convention Centre + the Picasso and Africa exhibition @ the Standard Bank Gallery, with a touch-up at the tattoo parlour somewhere inbetween (Hello Kitty's red bow & yellow nose need more colour!)
Then on Sunday we're taking my sister-in-law, Hayley, & my nephew, Aidan, to the Zoo (my brother is already back in London; they'll join him in a few day's time). The last time I saw Aidan was when they came out for our wedding in June last year. He was only 10 months old. Apparently he's grown & changed sooo much since then. I can hardly wait to see him again!!!!!
On another note altogether: Has anyone else round here got a crush on Lavonne?! I've come to the conclusion that this chick is the epitomy of sex on legs! And boy what stunning legs those are!! Nevermind the incredible bod that these pretty pins hold up - she is also a dead ringer for Milla Jovovich. I'm not kidding - she could be her SISTER!! There is definitely something about this steely blue-eyed, short brunette-haired look that really does it for me. So for all you androgynous Lavonne / Milla Jovovich / Linda Evangelista look-alikes out there, this is an open invitation: You can come watch DVDs on my couch in your vest & boy-shorts ANYDAY

Tomorrow night we're going to a surprise 21st for one of Lee's female colleagues. Somewhere out on the East Rand. (For those of you that don't know the layout of Johannesburg - the city is vast & sprawling &, with the original Jo'burg CBD at its centre, is basically divided up into the East Rand, the West Rand, & what us locals call "the North" & "the South" - the former being where we stay). Chris & Tarryn are also going to be there. Can't wait to see her again. She's got a really mischievous streak, & we always end up having so much fun together >;-)
On Saturday we're going to The Home Show @ the Sandton Convention Centre + the Picasso and Africa exhibition @ the Standard Bank Gallery, with a touch-up at the tattoo parlour somewhere inbetween (Hello Kitty's red bow & yellow nose need more colour!)
Then on Sunday we're taking my sister-in-law, Hayley, & my nephew, Aidan, to the Zoo (my brother is already back in London; they'll join him in a few day's time). The last time I saw Aidan was when they came out for our wedding in June last year. He was only 10 months old. Apparently he's grown & changed sooo much since then. I can hardly wait to see him again!!!!!
On another note altogether: Has anyone else round here got a crush on Lavonne?! I've come to the conclusion that this chick is the epitomy of sex on legs! And boy what stunning legs those are!! Nevermind the incredible bod that these pretty pins hold up - she is also a dead ringer for Milla Jovovich. I'm not kidding - she could be her SISTER!! There is definitely something about this steely blue-eyed, short brunette-haired look that really does it for me. So for all you androgynous Lavonne / Milla Jovovich / Linda Evangelista look-alikes out there, this is an open invitation: You can come watch DVDs on my couch in your vest & boy-shorts ANYDAY

Yeah.. I agree she is sex on legs!!