My New Years resolution for this year was to keep up with my messages and emails online. Unfortunately, I failed miserably. I really don't know where all the time goes. There are so many projects I want to do and am doing, but I cannot do them all. Today I received a comment on my Myspace that hurt my feelings, but also made me realize that I need to make a change. I really like all the people I have met online, but I have been spending less and less time online. I have decided to delete most of my profiles (Myspace, Facebook, and Suicide Girls). I think I need to focus more on fewer projects rather than attend to more projects in a half ass way. I will still have my Hotmail account, so those of you who have my email address, I will still love your messages and will be able to keep in touch that way. Please forgive me if you have messaged me and I did not respond. I jwant you to know I appreciated every message! I will still be around online here and there, I will probably be on ebay from time to time (username: tibbara) and you can find videos of my involvement in Circus Bacchus on Youtube by searching the keywords "Circus Bacchus". So, I will be over and out at Midnight tonight most likely. I'll miss y'all 

You have my best wishes for success in all that you do. Your passion and grace will serve you well as you move on.
Now how do i download all these pictures..... ?
peace and love
DW <3