I recently photographed a set by myself. (Thank you to everyone who offered ideas for the theme!...you will soon see what I decided to go with this time). It was so much harder than I expected to photograph my own set! I experimented with daylight, artificial lights, and camera flashes. I took about 500 pictures, and I am still not sure there are enough good pictures to make a complete set. I am still trying to adjust the color, contrast, and light in the pictures, and it is such a pain. It is easy to make one picture look good, but to match 70 pictures is impossible. I have questioned myself many times if I should just scrap the pictures, and just say I learned something from the experience. But, then I think, I have spent too much time trying to make a decent set, and I cannot bear to scrap it. So, I am still working on a final set...hoping I will have something nice to submit soon. Thank you for your notes and inquiries...I have been like a mad scientist working on adjusting the pictures for this set, and have become antisocial in the process. I will come back soon, I promise!