I moved across country recently...from Virginia to Arizona. I am now thousands of miles away from the photographer I enjoyed working with
I am still getting settled in and do not know many people. I am not ready to start hunting for a new photographer, so I thought it might be fun to try photographing a set myself...using the timing mechanism on my camera. It may end up being a total disaster, but I am itching to still try it out. I am not sure yet what theme I want to do...I have a few ideas...I would love to include my bunny in one. I have at least one friend who is recommending a certain hair color. So, I thought I would ask you to tell me what you would like to see. What themes have you not seen that you would like to see? There are so many themes that have been done over and over...and there are probably just as many that have never been tried. I would love to hear what ideas you have for a fresh set! And, if I fall in love with your idea, you can expect to see the set someday...if not as a Live set, then at least in the Hopefuls section...but hopefully not there 

The bunny would be cute, but I imagine that it would be insanely difficult to get both yourself and the rabbit in good poses, when you're self shooting. The running back and forth from the camera would likely make the bunny skittish.
As for your hair, I think the way you have it in your profile picture looks lovely