Well my parents just sold their house and we have 60 days to move out. I have started with my room and I have so much stuff. It sucks. I havent seen my parents house yet, its not even built/ It wont be for another 7 months, but all I know its gonna be so WOW! Until then I have to look for my own house. I found one, but its on the other side of town. My parents dont want to buy it cause it would be too far away from them. But I'm wishing for the best!
Thats really all thats happening in my life right now. Oh on the 27th of this month I will have a year clean from drugs. I'm so excited!
My friends birthday is coming on the 10th he would have been 18. I'll be going to see his grave that day. Its going to be sooooo sad
for me. Thats all for now I will write soon!

I'm sorry to hear about the passing of your friend. My friend died on Thanksgiving 8 years ago and I still think about him every year. On the being clean part WELL DONE HONEY. I'm proud of you, and keep it up darling
Oh and the profile pic looks smashing if I do say so myself