I have a problem. I really want my ex-fiance back but he has a girlfriend. He lives in California and I live in Vegas. He's been going out with this chick for atleast 4 months now. But He loves me still but he wont break up with this girl. I bought him a valentines gift and i want to give it to him this weekend. My friend jess and i are going down there. hopefully i win him back. He's the only one who's ever loved me. Like no other guy like him will wake up next to me and love y morning breath thats how he is. He loves everything about me. He said it was instant love at first sight when he saw me.
I know he's the one for me everything about him is right. His age, his nationality, we look so cute together. Like when i was younger back in like middle school the guys i had a crush on i would write my name with their last name and it would never go. My name Rosalie goes great with his last name. I cant stop thinking about him. I think about him everyday. I want to grow old with him. I broke his heart twice but i was stupid and I had no idea what i wanted. But now i do and I told him that i put it on my dead grandmothers grave that i would never break his heart again. The girl that he's going out with can't be prettier than me. He says she has no family and she has barely any money, that he thinks hes not good enough for me because he doesnt come from a wealthy backround. I hope this weekend he will choose me and if he doenst the best to him and his girl!

blueink does have a point, but at the same time if he still does love you, you should give it another try. If you know he's the one then go for it sweetie. I just don't want you to get hurt
I want you to be happy!
Unfortunately I will not be making it to Cali on this visit, but will be making it around Cali/Vegas in the next visit. So no worries, we'll get together and hang out when I head out there. I'll keep you posted
Hope all goes well this weekend. Good luck doll.

Love is shit, ain't it.