Thank you everyone for sharing what you thought. I made my decision not to gamble for a very long long time. Today i need to job hunt it's either going to be at the sharper image or the M.A.C. makeup store. I need a second job for the day time and i could either sit and do jack shit working for the sharper image or work in makeup which i really love doing. You guys decide for me 1.the S.I. or 2. M.A.C.

I'll love you forever and ever if you work at MAC, but that's just me
Besides, makeup is so much fun! Especially with all the colors MAC has. Just have fun with whatever ya do. *continues to be jealous of working at MAC*

Why get a second job? I think there is a spot open on the Flamingo overpass over I-15. You can come a join me there panhandling... Now that the weather is starting to get better.