If you make an effort to further the cause of any group, you are, by association, in allegiance with them. Even if you are being paid for what you do, you obviously have so little problem with the policies employed by that group that you're willing to overlook any flaws and help them achieve their ultimate goal. For these reasons, I have to say that the next phone or gas company lackie that tells me not to get angry at them because they 'just work there' is gonna get a Mack truck driven straight up their ass.
I share your philosophy about jealousy. An irrational Darwinian caveman holdover. I've always believed that -with everything we've shared- if my girlfriend is capable of finding a romantic partner that she prefers, then it's probably for the longterm best. What's the alternative, right? Preventing her from meeting anyone I suspect she might prefer? No victory in that. Actually, I've stopped -in most contexts- referring to her as "my girlfriend" ever since she left me for her dance instructor. But you follow what I meant. Hmmm. Right. *She* is -at least- much better off. So, you know, I don't think that necessarily runs counter to my thesis.
I gather we've had similar experiences with the Current Events boards. There are actually a number of sane, intelligent SGers who begin these threads by linking to provocative articles. You'll find these just above the part where the same seven neo-cons continue their ongoing argument about which one of them argues best (don't they have forums on nationalreview.com?), which is, itself, above the part where the same seven wits decide that wouldn't it be clever and ironic to turn this into a thread about yogurt flavors or mime jokes. But I usually don't get that far.
Yes. We should plan a St. Louis thing. (There's so many of us all of a sudden. Or maybe I just haven't checked in a while.) Preferably in some well-lit, public place. Until I can determine to what extent your profile picture has been Photoshopped.