Two things stand through the history of humanity as the cause of conflict: economic inequity and cultural differences. We are on the very cusp of realizing a potentially global community. I can talk to people on the other side of the world verbally or in text at will. If I wish, I can have the means to travel anywhere in the world in a matter of hours available to me. People, even Americans, are starting to realize the value of getting information from international sources so that when each source is added to the pile, spin upon spin, a sort of truth can eventually be seen. The facilities are in place to end the differences between the peoples of the world. Explode culture. Explode ethnicity. Explode religion. Explode nationality. Explode the things in life that define the boundaries of group identity until all that is left is one giant community with no lines to draw and no other to call out. Do this and no group will be left to economically oppress. In a world with no other, we are all together.
More Blogs
Thursday Apr 10, 2003
If you make an effort to further the cause of any group, you are, by … -
Saturday Mar 22, 2003
Two things stand through the history of humanity as the cause of conf… -
Wednesday Mar 12, 2003
I think that the American belief in the power of the status symbol is… -
Friday Mar 07, 2003
Maybe this will make me sound like I'm getting old or jaded early in … -
Tuesday Mar 04, 2003
Now that we signed the lease, dealing with this bullshit town is a li… -
Sunday Mar 02, 2003
Went to the Rocket last night. They sell hangovers there. I apparen… -
Wednesday Feb 19, 2003
Holy dog snot! I just seared some blackened po'k chops and I sincere… -
Tuesday Feb 18, 2003
Had the kickingest ass weekend back home. I got to see almost everyo… -
Saturday Feb 15, 2003
Well, this is disappointing. Shal made these boards look like the so… -
Thursday Feb 13, 2003
Success!! I spent most of the morning patching together Frankenstein…
[Edited on Apr 07, 2003]