Two things stand through the history of humanity as the cause of conflict: economic inequity and cultural differences. We are on the very cusp of realizing a potentially global community. I can talk to people on the other side of the world verbally or in text at will. If I wish, I can have the means to travel anywhere in the world in a matter of hours available to me. People, even Americans, are starting to realize the value of getting information from international sources so that when each source is added to the pile, spin upon spin, a sort of truth can eventually be seen. The facilities are in place to end the differences between the peoples of the world. Explode culture. Explode ethnicity. Explode religion. Explode nationality. Explode the things in life that define the boundaries of group identity until all that is left is one giant community with no lines to draw and no other to call out. Do this and no group will be left to economically oppress. In a world with no other, we are all together.
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Saturday Sep 20, 2003
I always get hit on by school teachers--what the fuck is that?? -
Friday Sep 19, 2003
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Saturday Sep 13, 2003
I really hate the fact that there is an unrealistic standard for wome… -
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Does anyone know of a good Japanese restaurant around here?? -
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A concept lives in the mind. One thing that people seem to forget is… -
Saturday May 31, 2003
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Friday Apr 25, 2003
There is a fundamental flaw in the concept of money as a medium of ex… -
Tuesday Apr 15, 2003
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[Edited on Apr 07, 2003]