aging gracefully: priceless.
Now playing:
Avril Lavigne - Fuel (audio master from MTV Icon performance)
So yesterday was my birthday. It was kind of uneventful. There is nothing really noteworthy to comment on with two exceptions.
First, I was kind of disapointed that I didn't get some of things I really wanted for my birthday. (I'm not all about the gifts or anything, all I really wanted were a few books or CDs) So, I decided I would get myself something. I picked out A DVD and as I was going top purchase it, Party Girl demanded that I let her buy it for me. I was really touched by that. I know it seems like such a simple thing, and after all it didn't set her back a lot of cash, but just that she wanted to do it, that's awesome.
Secondly, Snappy's birthday is the day after mine so we went out to celebrate it together. i didn't expect him to get me anything but surprise, he did. I can't imagine that I have such thoughtful friends. I didn't expect any of my friends to get me a gift. They don't have to buy my friendship I love them just for being my friends.
BV got me a card that looked like a pickle. Um, that was just awesome in its own right. BV always knows just the right thing to say or do.
So I want to say thank you to all my truly incredible friends. I would never make fun of you for stretching your mom into a raft and riding her across the ocean.
The DollCase Diaries
Now playing:
Avril Lavigne - Fuel (audio master from MTV Icon performance)
So yesterday was my birthday. It was kind of uneventful. There is nothing really noteworthy to comment on with two exceptions.
First, I was kind of disapointed that I didn't get some of things I really wanted for my birthday. (I'm not all about the gifts or anything, all I really wanted were a few books or CDs) So, I decided I would get myself something. I picked out A DVD and as I was going top purchase it, Party Girl demanded that I let her buy it for me. I was really touched by that. I know it seems like such a simple thing, and after all it didn't set her back a lot of cash, but just that she wanted to do it, that's awesome.
Secondly, Snappy's birthday is the day after mine so we went out to celebrate it together. i didn't expect him to get me anything but surprise, he did. I can't imagine that I have such thoughtful friends. I didn't expect any of my friends to get me a gift. They don't have to buy my friendship I love them just for being my friends.
BV got me a card that looked like a pickle. Um, that was just awesome in its own right. BV always knows just the right thing to say or do.
So I want to say thank you to all my truly incredible friends. I would never make fun of you for stretching your mom into a raft and riding her across the ocean.
The DollCase Diaries
So, last night when I got home from Snappy's house I got on line for a bit. I can't go to sleep with a belly full of booze, I get sick.
I was talking to Kt and I showed her my suicide girl's member profile page. The SG profile allows you to enter a little bit of info about yourself. One of the fields is labeled "My Current Crush" I had completely forgotten that i had entered "Katie's Ass" as my current crush.
OMG! i was so embarrassed. that she read that. I love Kt like no other, but just as a friend you know? I don't seriously think about her sexually. My face was RED.