Now Playing:
Bing Crosby, The Twelve Days of Christmas.
So yeah.
Over the course of 'The twelve days of Christmas" It would appear that each day you receive cumulative gifts.
I originally thought it was just a re-cap of all the gifts you received thus far; However, after listening to the song its clear that on each day you do in fact receive duplicate gifts.
Now, for some reason I cannot explain a large number of the gifts in question are in fact birds. That's right BIRDS! the kind the will crap all over you preciously decorated home right on Christmas day. Maybe back in biblical times birds were some kind of crazy currency. Though I can't imagine all this poultry being considered rare and valuable. I mean, come on A HEN? how rare is that anywhere in the world?
So How many birds exactly are we talking? well I took few moments to figure this out. I really want to know what "my true love " thinks I'm going to do with a small menagerie of avian house pets.
1 partridge in a pear tree
2 turtle doves
3 French hens
4 calling birds
5 gold rings
6 geese a laying
7 swans a swimming
8 maids a milking
9 ladies dancing
10 lords a leaping
11 pipers piping
12 drummers drumming
1 bird. (a partridge in a pear tree) total=1 bird
2 turtle doves and 1 partridge total= 4 birds
3 hens, 2 doves and 1 partridge total= 10 birds
4 calling birds, 3 hens, 2 doves, and 1 partridge. total= 20 birds
No new birds today, but 4 more calling birds, 3 more hens, 2 more doves and 1 more partridge. total = 30 birds
Dear god please no. 6 geese. 4 calling birds 3 hens 2 doves 1 partridge. total=46 birds
WTF?!? 7 swans 6 geese 4 calling birds 3 hens 2 doves 1 partridge. total= 69 birds
No more new birds (thank goodness), but remember you are receiving 23 more birds again. total= 92 birds
23 more birds=115 birds
Total= 138 birds
Total= 161 birds
Total= 184 damn birds.
Thank you for all the bird crap all over the damn place.
It's no wonder the 'lords are a leaping' they don't want to step in all this bird shit with their holiday booties. (all 30 of them)
But in fairness, I do now have in my employ 40 maids who can stop milking any time they are ready and start cleaning up all this bird shit. I didn't get any cows for Christmas so I'm not sure what exaclty they are milking.
Maybe I'll give then each a gold ring. I also have 40 of those.
You know, I need 22 pipers and 12 drummers to drown out the noise all these damn birds make. You can't exactly dance to all the chirping, cawing, and crowing. If the maids do their job, maybe I'll have room for 36 ladies to dance. What kind of dancing? Are we talking "Las Vegas" show girls?
Now Playing:
Bing Crosby, The Twelve Days of Christmas.
So yeah.
Over the course of 'The twelve days of Christmas" It would appear that each day you receive cumulative gifts.
I originally thought it was just a re-cap of all the gifts you received thus far; However, after listening to the song its clear that on each day you do in fact receive duplicate gifts.
Now, for some reason I cannot explain a large number of the gifts in question are in fact birds. That's right BIRDS! the kind the will crap all over you preciously decorated home right on Christmas day. Maybe back in biblical times birds were some kind of crazy currency. Though I can't imagine all this poultry being considered rare and valuable. I mean, come on A HEN? how rare is that anywhere in the world?
So How many birds exactly are we talking? well I took few moments to figure this out. I really want to know what "my true love " thinks I'm going to do with a small menagerie of avian house pets.
1 partridge in a pear tree
2 turtle doves
3 French hens
4 calling birds
5 gold rings
6 geese a laying
7 swans a swimming
8 maids a milking
9 ladies dancing
10 lords a leaping
11 pipers piping
12 drummers drumming
1 bird. (a partridge in a pear tree) total=1 bird
2 turtle doves and 1 partridge total= 4 birds
3 hens, 2 doves and 1 partridge total= 10 birds
4 calling birds, 3 hens, 2 doves, and 1 partridge. total= 20 birds
No new birds today, but 4 more calling birds, 3 more hens, 2 more doves and 1 more partridge. total = 30 birds
Dear god please no. 6 geese. 4 calling birds 3 hens 2 doves 1 partridge. total=46 birds
WTF?!? 7 swans 6 geese 4 calling birds 3 hens 2 doves 1 partridge. total= 69 birds
No more new birds (thank goodness), but remember you are receiving 23 more birds again. total= 92 birds
23 more birds=115 birds
Total= 138 birds
Total= 161 birds
Total= 184 damn birds.
Thank you for all the bird crap all over the damn place.
It's no wonder the 'lords are a leaping' they don't want to step in all this bird shit with their holiday booties. (all 30 of them)
But in fairness, I do now have in my employ 40 maids who can stop milking any time they are ready and start cleaning up all this bird shit. I didn't get any cows for Christmas so I'm not sure what exaclty they are milking.
Maybe I'll give then each a gold ring. I also have 40 of those.
You know, I need 22 pipers and 12 drummers to drown out the noise all these damn birds make. You can't exactly dance to all the chirping, cawing, and crowing. If the maids do their job, maybe I'll have room for 36 ladies to dance. What kind of dancing? Are we talking "Las Vegas" show girls?
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