this pisses me off so bad.
Syndromes and disorders. CRAP. its a load of CRAP.
You know that ADD is only a "disorder" because some group of people said its a "disorder"
Lies and Bullshit. Let's cut to the chase.
A "Disorder" describes a symptom, or collectection of symptomatic behaviors. period. It does not describe any valid disease or condition. That's insulting to me, and it should be insulting to anyone who suffers from, or has family members who suffer from such a condition.
How about telling me exactly what causes this syndrome. Maybe its nutritional. Maybe its a chemical imbalance. maybe its psychological. maybe its a brain injury. Who Knows, treat them all the same and everyone will be fine. That's why so many damn people end up abusing the wrong prescription medication. maybe even why there is a band called ridalin kids.
I digress.... probably because I have an Attention Deficit Disorder and I can't focus on one topic for more than a few moments... "its like the channel keeps changing inside my head"
or maybe I'm just bored, or I haven't taken the time to organize my rant into a coherent thesis with supporting statements presented in a logical sequence. Maybe the total lack of a spell checker is driving me batty bacause my big fat fingers can't hit just one key, so i edit the hell out of this text and it ends up making no sense ...
Suppose that a man has a brain injury and demonstrates similar symptoms to a child who is labled as having ADHD. Should we prescribe the same course of treatment? HARDLY. The man may require neurosurgery while the child my find relief in medication.
But knowing the American medical system we better cut the kid's head open and give the man some antipsychotic drug... fuck that, cut them both AND give them the pills! yeah! we got all our bases covered now.
Its time that the medical establishment stopped hiding beind meaningless lables when it clearly doesn't understand a condition or affliction.
Psycology is one of those areas that medical science has a hard time nailing down and treating with a regimented therapy routine. So, we make up some catch all disorder to describe a collection or sypmtoms or behaviors and POOF! you have ADHD.
So glad we dont have a a "Cancerous Cell Disorder" where we don't know what organ is cancerous, but we feel fairly sure that ALL CANCER PATIENTS should receive the same treatment. Cause you know, lung cancer is so like a brain tumor... oh wait, maybe its not a tumor... maybe it IS ADHD
oh for no. I didn't just say that. or did I? my attention span is SO DAMN SHORT.
this pisses me off so bad.
Syndromes and disorders. CRAP. its a load of CRAP.
You know that ADD is only a "disorder" because some group of people said its a "disorder"
Lies and Bullshit. Let's cut to the chase.
A "Disorder" describes a symptom, or collectection of symptomatic behaviors. period. It does not describe any valid disease or condition. That's insulting to me, and it should be insulting to anyone who suffers from, or has family members who suffer from such a condition.
How about telling me exactly what causes this syndrome. Maybe its nutritional. Maybe its a chemical imbalance. maybe its psychological. maybe its a brain injury. Who Knows, treat them all the same and everyone will be fine. That's why so many damn people end up abusing the wrong prescription medication. maybe even why there is a band called ridalin kids.
I digress.... probably because I have an Attention Deficit Disorder and I can't focus on one topic for more than a few moments... "its like the channel keeps changing inside my head"
or maybe I'm just bored, or I haven't taken the time to organize my rant into a coherent thesis with supporting statements presented in a logical sequence. Maybe the total lack of a spell checker is driving me batty bacause my big fat fingers can't hit just one key, so i edit the hell out of this text and it ends up making no sense ...
Suppose that a man has a brain injury and demonstrates similar symptoms to a child who is labled as having ADHD. Should we prescribe the same course of treatment? HARDLY. The man may require neurosurgery while the child my find relief in medication.
But knowing the American medical system we better cut the kid's head open and give the man some antipsychotic drug... fuck that, cut them both AND give them the pills! yeah! we got all our bases covered now.
Its time that the medical establishment stopped hiding beind meaningless lables when it clearly doesn't understand a condition or affliction.
Psycology is one of those areas that medical science has a hard time nailing down and treating with a regimented therapy routine. So, we make up some catch all disorder to describe a collection or sypmtoms or behaviors and POOF! you have ADHD.
So glad we dont have a a "Cancerous Cell Disorder" where we don't know what organ is cancerous, but we feel fairly sure that ALL CANCER PATIENTS should receive the same treatment. Cause you know, lung cancer is so like a brain tumor... oh wait, maybe its not a tumor... maybe it IS ADHD
oh for no. I didn't just say that. or did I? my attention span is SO DAMN SHORT.