Things are just getting worse, the doctor reckons i have gallstones. Just gotta wait for an appointment for a scan before i will know for sure. I know have to avoid fat and fatty foods. Right now i feel suicidal. This is never good.
More Blogs
Wednesday Dec 28, 2005
Well yesterday was a disaster but i have made a vow now ready for new… -
Tuesday Dec 27, 2005
Well i am finally back on here, have spent a lot of time concentratin… -
Monday Jul 11, 2005
Ok so shoot for me not writing enough entries.Well good news everybod… -
Thursday Jun 23, 2005
Oh dear i really have been bad and not update this in far too long. W… -
Friday Nov 19, 2004
Well i'm in a really bad mood, i was hoping to have heard from Claire… -
Sunday Nov 14, 2004
Well im supposed to be cleaning up but right now im really not in the… -
Saturday Nov 13, 2004
Well yet again i havent updated this for a long time. Must have taken… -
Saturday Oct 23, 2004
I've never once thought about writing in my SG journal, but now could…
but if you think about it. you popped out a kid. if you can do that. you should be able to live out this ordeal. you'll be fine lass. but hugs* just in case...