me so sad
What's A Girl Gotta Do To Get A Boy In This Town?!?!
thats marissa's msn name atm
i wish i could talk to her, like i plan too...i just can't figure out the words
i want to lay it all on the line
there isn't anyone in the world i care more about, i do anything for her
i i...i dunno

What's A Girl Gotta Do To Get A Boy In This Town?!?!
thats marissa's msn name atm

i want to lay it all on the line
there isn't anyone in the world i care more about, i do anything for her
i i...i dunno

If you haven't thought about it, why answer at all.
Dude, you have get it out in the open. If she refuses, you need to move on. Quit wasting time, dammit!