By Jerry Harke
This is how I usually sleep (I think). At least I wake up similar to this. I have also updated the pics in my journal.
Well, I have now joined Model Mayhem and am #10542 so come say Hi!
We are busy trying to get ready for this huge show in July and have a big shoot set up on Saturday. I may be suspended in an interesting location and I'm both excited and nervous. We are trying to schedule others but people are being less than helpful. I don't know if it's a personality thing, an ego thing, or an inexperienced in gallery shows thing.
Work is work. Busy per usual. Not much to say about that.
I did receive great news though! My cousin just got engaged! I figured it was coming but I'm really happy for her. It's weird though. She is about 2 or 3 years younger than me and we were close growing up. But she's engaged to someone that I used to babysit! Well, almost babysit. I watched over him and his friends at a summer camp. But still. Weirdness.
Sierra is doing well but she is one strange dog. Here's a little ancedote about her. First of all, she is afraid of EVERYTHING, including flies. Yes, flies. I was at work the other day and I was talking to DanielK on the phone. He tells me about her latest adventure with a fly. Apparantly she was biting at an itch on her butt when a fly lands on her ass right in front of her. So she tries running away but she is curled around on the floor and does not succeed quite as well as I think she wanted. Then she would start to go up to the fly until it started actually flying and she would run away. Sometimes I'm not sure if she is a dog or a pussy.
I'm really hoping we can come hang out with SGCO this weekend. I think I'm going through withdrawls!
Brownie is his name

I'm thinking up in Denver. I have no idea, though, really. The boobie bars down here are seriously subpar.